I recently saw videos of robotics companies showcasing their humanoid robots doing human work. Boston Dynamic's Atlas was able to pick up, carry, and place heavy automotive struts with ease. UBTech robot was shown doing some simple tasks in the Nio car facility. Things are really moving very quickly now.
I tend to focus upon Tesla bot and Figure. They are moving ahead quickly.
But you are right, there are, I would guess, about 10 companies in the US making legit strides.
So things are really ramping up.
They are and the focus is upon industrial use cases which means economic productivity will likely skyrocket at some point. It also mean, in my view, a great potential for massive job elimination.
I can see a lot of jobs in first world countries being replaced by these. I wonder if third world countries and China are safe for now, because labor are cheaper there.
They are going to be hit too, and quickly. Whatever the cost of labor, Chinese firms can still save with robots. I saw a video that claimed BYD is already using humanoid robots in one of hits auto plants. I have no idea if this is true but, no matter what the cost of labor, it is not as cheap as robots.
I guess for specialized labor, they still need to train those people. And not just anybody can be used.
What makes this scary, from a jobs perspective, is the pace of these training models these days. If a task can be learned by watching 50 videos or going through it 50 times, that is a game changer.
Think of how that would scale.