Can we do Cross-Post on Publish0x?
I mean after posting my blog here on Hive, can I use it on Publish0x??
You can easily Import your existing articles from to publish0x and make money from it as this is an allowed practice and I have done it many times already. You can check my tutorial below and ill add it to the article as well cause people might be interested
I hope you can make some extra cash by importing/cross posting from to publish0x.
I have created an account almost 2 or 3 months ago, even I asked the same question about Cross posting via email and they allowed, but I didn't do yet
Well if you are not doing that you are missing out on an earning opportunity my advise is to select your crypto related articles and simply import them over to publish0x, you can import upto two articles like that per day.
There is no need to do any modifications what so ever. After posting on publish0x (Copy/paste article) with relevant image from with link mentioning source of image you just need to add a canonical link at the end of your post with your blog post (which you are cross posting).
By just adding canonical link, they'll accept my entry?
And will Hive allow me to use my articles on anyother platform :)