Finding the right bride is becoming very difficult these days. It is said that the amount of boys is higher compared to the amount of girls available for marriage. Even though I don't buy this completely, it appears to be like that.
There is no shortage of girls, at least not significantly......but there is a shortage of the role of a pure home maker.....that is where it appears like a shortage of girls.....
The template of arranged marriage has also changed these days, with nuclear family increasingly becoming norm, and girls becoming more economically empowered, the path to reach a consensus has become tough and complex, may be rightfully so....boys have hitherto dictated the terms, and now it's a level playing field.
In any case, thinking to getting married after getting settled may not be a good idea, family is a still an integral unit and support system in Indian society and rightfully so, and that offers better margin to young adults getting married at the right time.