Living comfortably has to do with many factors particularly finance we are always I need of one thing or the other that so kind of financial stream can ease me of that worry and help me focus on other things, living comfortably has become a pressing topic in our world today . The more I try to reach that level the more the economy makes it difficult to attain that point.
Living comfortably should not be a point I should just achieve and reach but I have to keep growing in it every day without rest and that explains the need to keep working and not to take my foot off the gas.
Nigeria is a beautiful country but the economy of my country proves otherwise the way the economy is just inflating at a staggering rate it is difficult for citizens to live comfortably.
The wage system makes it even more difficult for me, living comfortably in essence doesn't mean that I should spend loads of money and live big but I should be able to afford the basic things I need to live a stress free and comfortable life.
Is there an actual income tag to make this feasible ?
That's a bigger question for another day.