There's a man on this platform (quite a few actually, but am referring to one specifically) that has consistently posted about his family and everyday activities over the course of his Hive stay. There isn't a lot of philosophy and depth to his blogs (forgive me), just the ordinary everyday person living and apparently enjoying his life with his wife and their many kids. I think it's brilliant.
There's almost no love given to the average Joe. We're constantly told that average is the enemy and we must seek and destroy for us to feel better. While being mediocre at somethings does lead to feelings of despair, the definition of what people call extraordinary has been misunderstood by many. Living a life of consistency over the course of a couple of years in virtually any area is what makes it extraordinary, not necessarily achieving big results.
The people that have been consistent on this platform over the course of years since Inception are quite extraordinary and inspirational in their own right. Recently, one of my colleagues was celebrated at work for longevity (Ten years) at the company. We give ourselves too much to worry about over having certain results not go out way, when in actuality what life demands from us is consistent effort. It is a tough ask to be consistent day in and day out, and very few people actually realise this.
I think normalcy has been underrated. It showed in the US presidential elections with the majority of people choosing to focus on things like the economy and how their pockets have been impacted than all main stream media were telling them. Average isn't the enemy, inconsistency is.