Just like that, we put another week behind us. It's been a busy one for sure! As I mentioned at the beginning of the week, my district wrapped up school this week, so now I am making the transition into summer mode. I've already started wearing my summertime uniform (cargo shorts and a t-shirt), and before long I will be spending the majority of my weekends camping throughout the state of Michigan.
The opening photo is a trip I took several years ago along the shores of Mullet Lake in the northern lower peninsula. It's honestly weekends like that that make all of the other days worth it.
I know we keep saying this, but things are really heating up in the crypto world. I think as each week passes we are going to continue to see more and more news coming from various places. It's like a wave building momentum before it crashes into the shore.

It is time again for another Finance Friday/Friday Finance. This is a series I started where I talk about random bits of financial stuff that I have seen, gathered, or experienced during the week. I hope as a reader you find it informational, entertaining, or both. I also hope it can generate some good discussion and edify the community.
It's nice to see BTC sitting over that $70K mark again, though I am sure most folks would prefer it was lower so they could pick up some more at better prices. Part of me feels like we are going to plug along around this level for the next couple of months. Another part of me wouldn't be shocked if we saw a new ATH soon. Who knows!
What I do know is that ETH ETFs are right around the corner and there is a crypto based Super PAC in Washington now. If you know how American politics work, you know that it's the PACs and lobbyists that get the work done not the politicians. I think that is a good omen for the future of crypto in the US. At least I hope so!
I came across some more awesome silver pieces by my local bullion dealer again.

I thought of @kerrislravenhill as soon as I saw this piece. It seems to fit right with her whole existence. Actually, I wouldn't be shocked if she already has some of these pieces. The fact that it is offered by NGC and not a special pour by the local guy means there is a good chance she does.
I still haven't made it into the new KZoo Bullion storefront since they moved out of the old one. I am going to have to try and do that before too long. Now that we are just about done with the bills from Jovi passing I should have some extra cash to throw into some silver.

Fishing is something I love to do, but I don't get out nearly as much as I would like to. I remember as a young kid going out with my dad and trolling around Wixom Lake late into the night fishing for walleye. Just as we were about to call it I got a hit on this goofy chartreuse lure that I had picked up somewhere along the way. It didn't even have live bait on it, it was just a cheap lure I thought looked cool as a kid.
I ended up hauling in a 16" walleye, probably the biggest fish I have ever caught. I remember it was just long enough to reach the requirement for us to keep it. This beautiful piece by Bay City Bullion is something I would love to add to my collection. You better believe when I finally do get around to visiting the store I am going to take enough money to buy some of their sand cast stuff.

I'm not sure if I have talked about this before, but I know a number of you folks out there are car folks. I've got a group of guys over on Telegram that I have been chatting and hanging out with (virtually) for several years now. We were brought together via our investment in the Alien Worlds "game" on the WAX blockchain and we have just continued to share projects with each other.
The majority of people in this Telegram chat are block producers for EOS and other EOSIO forked chains like WAX, TELOS, etc. Pretty established folks who are invested in the crypto space. I actually joke that I am not sure why they keep me around since I am such a small fish compared to them.
Anyway, Michael from EOSUSA has been talking about this new project that members of his team are trying to launch for a while now. It's called GarageID and it's basically an app where you can track your vehicles, collaborate with other auto enthusiasts, and earn crypto all at the same time.
They just completed a successful kickstarter campaign that netted them $260,000 to put into the project. I highly recommend you check it out and see if it is something that would be a good fit for you. This isn't financial advice of course, you should do your own research, but if you are a "car guy" (or girl), it might be worth your time!
That's all I've got for you this week. I hope you have an awesome weekend. Try to pry your eyes away from the charts, get outside and do something fun this weekend!
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