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RE: Are you on HIVE to Invest or to Milk the Cash Cow?

in LeoFinance7 months ago

I'm far from being a big investor, but a small percentage of my HP comes from personal investment, because when I saw how much Hive was giving me, I couldn't help but do my best to try and support it.

That's why I've never done a power down.

I got most of my HP for free, from Hivians/Hivers who thought I was worth a share of their wealth - because this is what happens when someone upvotes your content: they share with you money they could have shared with anyone else or burned - so I've always thought that the least I could do was trying to help Hive grow.

This doesn't mean I'm not here for the money.

I discovered Hive for the money. I signed up for the money. Sure, money played a big role.

But I didn't stay for the money. Even if my earnings aren't low for Hive's standards, they are low when compared to the effort I put in the posts I write to get those earnings.

Yet, I'm still here... why? Because I sincerely believe that Hive has much more to offer.

And, imho, people who don't get this, will never really appreciate what they get from Hive. They will never aim to grow further their HP. They will easily sell their rewards because all the see are easy earnings.

I'm not saying people aren't entitled to spend their money how they wish.

I'm saying that if you are only taking out from Hive without giving nothing back, I'm not going to share with you my wealth.

I'm happy to see that lately a lot of big users are talking about this: a lot of users look at you as a source of inspiration, so you have the power to help people understand that Hive isn't a faucet and that if a faucet is what are they looking for, well, please go and keep looking somewhere else.

Sorry for this long reply... when I care about something I often tend to become verbose 😂


I didn't know you were a coder, I sent you a comment on your last post. I always love other snippets and especially libraries I have never used before, very cool!

Hope you stick around!

I didn't know you were a coder

I wish I was! I've started learning a bit of python in my free time during past March, but then I had to stop after a month due to too many things to do at work.

Now I'm on holiday, so I'm trying to take advantage of this time to practice a bit, learn new stuff and, hopefully, build a more solid knowledge :)

Hope you stick around!

I'm here for the long run!

I don't see myself as a proper coder either, these guys who do it properly can run rings round me, but I can get things working.. in a fashion.

tbh, just from 2 of your snippets (the one in this post and one other I saw some weeks ago which involved sounding an alarm whenever there was a swing in the value of some tokens) I can tell that you are the kind of coder that I'd like to be some day: you have a task that you'd like to automate and... boom! you write some code to get the job done.

I'd love to be able to solve real world issues the way you and other coders do. Even if I may never become a paid developer, just being able to make easier my life and/or my work by writing my own scripts would be such an incredible feat!