today is the controversial topic on #marchinleo. It is a tough topic, as people sometimes need to defend with their life some view on a subject. There are some good hints in the themes, and I can say, that I lived in a country, where women have been obliged to give birth to a kid, no matter what, even if the pregnancy was coming from rape, or the kid was known to have some disease, that would make his life full of misery. Even posted a review on a film last week, which I find amazing. You can check that post in here: 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days.
I'm thinking that most lives shall be given a chance, but not with every price. It shall make sense, like disease, rape, and some others factor shall have easily the means to a decent choice. We also decided that if the kid is sick, we would have ended the pregnancy early. Didn't want to bring someone in the world with a life full of misery. That would be my thing on the topic.
The other one suggested would be about guns and will combine it with another controversial topic. I would do a small comparison, in the USA you can buy a gun with 18, drive with 16 and drink a beer with 21. In Germany, you can have a beer with 16, drive with 18 in most cases, and mostly the gun is hard to get, and only in some special cases, with a lot of regulation, owning a gun can be done with 18. You can have a beer on the street, during day time and nobody has an issue with it. Compared to the USA, which has almost 8 million alcohol dependents, German, on a population of 3,5 lower, has 1.7 millions with alcohol dependency. So the USA starts 5 years later with drinking beer or wine, but has 4,7x more people dependent on alcohol, which is population percentage wise, 30% higher in the USA. Speaking about gun homicide rates, the rate is, 7700% or 77x higher in the USA compared to Germany. By the way, in Germany is normally to go into the park and take a sunbath naked with a beer to the side. Rape rate is 300% or 3x times higher in the USA. These measures ate taken for the same population ratio.
As the number usually don't lie, the controversial topic can be put easy as this:
I rather like to see naked people drinking a beer at 18, then some gun wilding ones, with full body cover.

How about you? How do you see it?

This is part of the initiative #marchinleo, which aims increasing the interaction and the quality of posts, where you should participate. All the details are in here.
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