Beer is better than guns

in LeoFinancelast year


Source: iPhone 14 pro - Beer at Oktoberfest, Munich


today is the controversial topic on #marchinleo. It is a tough topic, as people sometimes need to defend with their life some view on a subject. There are some good hints in the themes, and I can say, that I lived in a country, where women have been obliged to give birth to a kid, no matter what, even if the pregnancy was coming from rape, or the kid was known to have some disease, that would make his life full of misery. Even posted a review on a film last week, which I find amazing. You can check that post in here: 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days.
I'm thinking that most lives shall be given a chance, but not with every price. It shall make sense, like disease, rape, and some others factor shall have easily the means to a decent choice. We also decided that if the kid is sick, we would have ended the pregnancy early. Didn't want to bring someone in the world with a life full of misery. That would be my thing on the topic.

The other one suggested would be about guns and will combine it with another controversial topic. I would do a small comparison, in the USA you can buy a gun with 18, drive with 16 and drink a beer with 21. In Germany, you can have a beer with 16, drive with 18 in most cases, and mostly the gun is hard to get, and only in some special cases, with a lot of regulation, owning a gun can be done with 18. You can have a beer on the street, during day time and nobody has an issue with it. Compared to the USA, which has almost 8 million alcohol dependents, German, on a population of 3,5 lower, has 1.7 millions with alcohol dependency. So the USA starts 5 years later with drinking beer or wine, but has 4,7x more people dependent on alcohol, which is population percentage wise, 30% higher in the USA. Speaking about gun homicide rates, the rate is, 7700% or 77x higher in the USA compared to Germany. By the way, in Germany is normally to go into the park and take a sunbath naked with a beer to the side. Rape rate is 300% or 3x times higher in the USA. These measures ate taken for the same population ratio.

As the number usually don't lie, the controversial topic can be put easy as this:

I rather like to see naked people drinking a beer at 18, then some gun wilding ones, with full body cover.

How about you? How do you see it?

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I would do a small comparison, in the USA you can buy a gun with 18, drive with 16 and drink a beer with 21.

Such codification is for the purpose of regulation/enforcement. In real world, such codes does not make us moral or responsbile. Because they do not control our sub-conscious mind. And law can not be effected for just having negavtive emotions, it has to translate into actions for the law to take its course of action. So law is not proactive it is reactive in that sense.

That is why u can not stop gun violence through law. That will continue to happen.