Pokemon 009: Blastoise
This is how I drew Blastoise using a blue pen, a fine pen.
Blastoise is number 9 on the Pokedex, and is the final evolution of Squirtle
This is the process of how I drew Blastoise
I mainly work with paper size A7... it is just easier
I always start with getting the head shape of the character first, and it will then serve as the indicator of where to place the rest of the body...
Once the position of the head is established, I then move onto the back, since the Blastoise is facing backwards
I would work on the back shell more and then add some shadows here and there to create some depth...
and that is it, it is not really difficult...
Here is the youtube short of the video. This is speed up around 16-20x so that it fits in the short...
And that is it... Subscribe to the channel if you enjoy this. Thanks