Movie Review|| Awake 2007 ENG/ESP

in Movies & TV Shows4 months ago

As someone who loves watching romance movies, this one took me completely by surprise. I've had this movie saved on my phone for a while, but I didn’t get the chance to watch it until a few days ago. Throughout the movie, I was glued to my screen and I think it’s just too interesting not to share with you all.




Imagine being awake when undergoing a major surgery. Clayton (Hayden Christensen), a wealthy and young business tycoon, is set to undergo a heart transplant. During the procedure, he becomes fully awake but is paralyzed. He was still unable to open his eyes so he could tell the doctors that he was not fully sedated and could feel them cutting through him. He also discovers that the medical team has an ulterior motive to kill him during the surgery.
A few days before the surgery, Clayton got married to his fiancee (Jessica Alba), despite his mother's opposition to their marriage. Clayton, not knowing, that his wife, Jessica Alba, has evil motives waiting to unfold.
Awake was released in the year 2007

My Review

This movie is packed with so many unexpected twists. The plot is not something that could happen in real life. This movie is about love, betrayal, deceit, and a dominant mother who's obsessed with her only son and would go to any length for him. There's also the loyal friend you can trust, and the lover you think you know. But the question is are they who they seem to be? Well, You have to watch the movie to find out.


Honestly, I feel like this movie was maybe based on a real fear most people have. I think one of the biggest fears of people who have undergone surgery is the thought of waking up halfway through the procedure. Yup! I've thought about that before, before watching this movie lol. What if a patient wakes up midway during a major surgery?



There's so much to this movie. From the beginning, you'll make assumptions about what's going to happen, but just as the story unfolds, you'll realize that you were wrong. I don't want to be a spoiler, so I'll just end here. But just take a minute and imagine this: Being under the knife, Awake, and also being able to hear everything happening in the operating room without being able to do anything. Which is more painful? Watch the movie to find out!!.
Thanks for Reading❤️

Images are screenshots from my phone unless stated otherwise


Como alguien a quien le encanta ver películas románticas, ésta me pilló completamente por sorpresa. La tenía guardada en el móvil desde hace tiempo, pero no tuve la oportunidad de verla hasta hace unos días. Durante toda la película estuve pegada a la pantalla y creo que es demasiado interesante como para no compartirla con todos vosotros.




Imagínate estar despierto mientras te sometes a una cirugía mayor. Clayton (Hayden Christensen), un joven y rico magnate de los negocios, va a someterse a un trasplante de corazón. Durante el procedimiento, se despierta por completo pero está paralizado. Todavía no puede abrir los ojos para indicar a los médicos que no está totalmente sedado y que puede sentir cómo le cortan. También descubre que el equipo médico tiene un motivo oculto para matarle durante la operación.
Unos días antes de la operación, Clayton se casa con su prometida (Jessica Alba), a pesar de que su madre se opone al matrimonio. Clayton, sin saber, que su mujer, Jessica Alba, tiene malvados motivos esperando a ser revelados.

**Mi crítica

Esta película está llena de muchos giros inesperados. La trama no es algo que podría suceder en la vida real. Esta película es sobre el amor, la traición, el engaño, y una madre dominante que está obsesionada con su único hijo y haría cualquier cosa por él. También está el amigo leal en el que puedes confiar, y el amante al que crees conocer. Pero la pregunta es ¿son quienes parecen ser? Bueno, tienes que ver la película para averiguarlo.


Sinceramente, creo que esta película se basa en un miedo real que tiene la mayoría de la gente. Creo que uno de los mayores miedos de la gente que se ha sometido a una operación es la idea de despertarse a mitad del procedimiento. ¡Sí! Ya había pensado en eso antes de ver esta película. ¿Qué pasaría si un paciente se despertara a mitad de una operación?



Hay muchas cosas en esta película. Desde el principio, harás suposiciones sobre lo que va a pasar, pero a medida que se desarrolla la historia, te darás cuenta de que estabas equivocado. No quiero ser un spoiler, así que terminaré aquí. Pero tómate un minuto e imagina esto: Estar bajo el bisturí, despierto, y además poder oír todo lo que pasa en el quirófano sin poder hacer nada. ¿Qué es más doloroso? Mira la película para averiguarlo.
Gracias por Reading❤️

Las imágenes son capturas de pantalla de mi teléfono a menos que se indique lo contrario


I remember I had an operation on my wrist , they had to go in and do some vein and nerve work under my carpal tunnel in my wrist/hand.
I was fascinated about it and biology in general. Did you know that @beeeee
Anyway I had the anesthetic, and they had tiny camera so were playing it on a monitor and I was watching along. People said it was morbid but I loved it. I still have a scar and a reminder as the surgeon nicked a nerve and I have a tingly feeling in my pinky and half of the next finger!

Did you know that @beeeee

I had zero idea about this, I don’t think I remember you telling me hehe..
From the look of things you really were enjoying the whole process😂

That's very brave of you because. I can watch when it's done on others,but definitely not on me, I would just pass out immediately lol.

People said it was morbid but I loved it

I think so too, but I think it's quite fascinating to see how they cut your body and what's inside even tho you know what's in.

I'm sure whenever you see that scar, all that happened that day would replay