"Little House on the Prairie" or "The Ingalls Family" turns 50. / "La Pequeña Casa de la Pradera" o "La Familia Ingalls" cumple 50 años.

in Movies & TV Shows11 months ago

pequeña casa.png

Source: Pinterest - https://ar.pinterest.com/pin/516225176010229408/

In Venezuela we say: "You threw the ID card on the floor" (this means that I let people know my approximate age and that I am quite old. But that doesn't really bother me, I am 62 years old and I am not ashamed of that. And the fact is that When I found out that the television series that I watched when I was little was turning 50, I couldn't stop and delight in its images again.

"Little House on the Prairie" or "The Ingalls Family" as it was known in this part of the planet was a series widely watched in Venezuelan homes and that was the anesthesia that our parents had so that we would leave them alone for an hour that was the duration of each chapter.

Source: YouTube - IngallEsco

Little House on the Prairie was an American television series broadcast from 1974 to 1983. The story arose from the books of the same name written by the series' protagonist Laura Ingalls Wilder.

In the season from 1982 to 1983, a new version was released under the title "Little House A New Begginings", but it seemed very strange to me since I didn't recognize the actors, a total change. This series lasted 9 uninterrupted years.


Michael Landon as Charles Ingalls
Karen Grassle as Carolina Ingalls
Melissa Gilbert as Laura Ingalls
Melissa Sue Anderson as Mary Ingalls
Brenda and Wendi Tumbaug as Grace Ingalls.- These two were twins and played the role of Grace Ingalls.
Alison Amgrin as Nelly Oleson

These were the main characters, then in each season more characters were added and others changed until in season 8 and nine they became men and the characters were different according to their age.

What attracted me to this series?

Firstly, the family union, a family made up of 5 members: mom, dad and 3 daughters who always helped poor Caroline who did all the chores in the small house. The cabin also caught my attention, it looked very small on the outside, but inside it was spacious and had a floor in the attic that was a room. There was space for a table where everyone ate together as a family.

The love they shared as fathers towards their daughters and as daughters towards their fathers. Respect for each other, everyone made decisions and they were listened to and if something had to be corrected they gave it as advice. No shouts or scoldings were ever heard during family discussions.

On school days where there is always a classmate who does his thing and makes us angry, in Nellie's case she was Laura's enemy and always made her bother.

They became the ideal family that every child wanted to belong to or have in their home. The community where they lived was also very similar to reality, arguments, differences of opinions, intrigues, envy, and all that we see very often with our neighbors and in our neighborhoods.

In the video, Melissa Gilbert (Laura), Karen Grassle (Caroline) and Allison Amgrin (Nelly) appear, three of its main actors visiting the location in California where the series was filmed, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary, where they remembered all their days. of sweet and tender girls in the series and they say that they were very excited to see it again.


Traduccion al Español:

En Venezuela decimos: "Tiraste la cedula al piso" (esto quiere decir que deje saber mi edad aproximada y que soy bastante mayor). Pero eso en realidad a mi no me molesta, tengo 62 años y no me averguenzo de eso. Y es que cuando supe que la serie de television que yo veia cuando pequeña estaba cumpliendo 50 años no pude parar y deleitarme de nuevo con sus imagenes.

"La Pequeña Casa de la Pradera" o "La Familia Ingalls" como se le conocio en esta parte del planeta fue una serie muy vista en los hogares Venezolanos y esa era la anestesia que tenian nuestros padres para que los dejaramos tranquilos una hora que era la duracion de cada capitulo.

La Pequeña Casa de la Pradera fue una seria de television estadounidense transmitida desde el año 1974 hasta 1983. La historia surgio de los libros homonimos que escribio la propia protagonista de la serie Laura Ingalls Wilder.

En la temporada de 1982 a 1983 sale una nueva version bajo el titulo de "Little House A New Begginings" , pero me resulto muy extraño ya que no reconocia a los actores, cambio total. Esta serie duro 9 años ininterrumpidos.


Michael Landon como Charles Ingalls
Karen Grassle como Carolina Ingalls
Melissa Gilbert como Laura Ingalls
Melissa Sue Anderson Como Mary Ingalls
Brenda y Wendi Tumbaug como Grace Ingalls.- Estas dos eran gemelas y hacian el papel de Grace Ingalls.
Alison Amgrin como Nelly Oleson

Estos fueron los personajes principales, luego en cada temporada se fueron agregando mas personajes y cambiando a otros hasta que en la temporada 8 y nueve se hicieron hombres y los personajes fueron distintos acorde a la edad.

Que me atraia de esta serie ?

Primeramente la union familiar, una familia formada por 5 miembros: mama, papa y 3 hijas que siempre ayudaban a la pobre Caroline que hacia todos los quehaceres de la pequeña casa. La cabaña tambien me llamaba la atencion, se veia muy pequeña por fuera, pero por dentro era espaciosa y tenia un piso en el atico que era un cuarto. Habia espacio para una mesa donde comian todos juntos en familia.

El amor que compartian como padres hacia sus hijas y como hijas a sus padres. El respeto entre si, cada quien tomaba decisiones y eran escuchadas y si habia que corregir algo lo daban como un consejo. Nunca se escucharon gritos ni regaños entre las discusiones familiares.

Los dias del colegio donde siempre hay un compañero de clases que hace de las suyas y nos hace rabiar, en el caso de Nellie era la enemiga de Laura y siempre la hacia molestar.

Se convirtieron en la familia ideal a la que todo niño quizo pertenecer o tener en su casa. La comunidad donde vivian tambien era muy parecido a la realidad, discusiones, diferencias de opiniones, intrigas, envidias, y todo eso que vemos muy a menudo con nuestros vecinos y en nuestros barrios.

En el video aparecen Melissa Gilbert (Laura), Karen Grassle (caroline) y Allison Amgrin (Nelly) 3 de sus principales actores visitando la locacion en California en donde se filmo la serie, con motivo del aniversario # 50, donde recordaron todos sus dias de niñas dulces y tiernas en la serie y dicen que se emosionaron mucho de volverlo a ver.


I remember when Michael Landon played an angel in Highway to Heaven which premiered in 1984 just one year before I was born, my mom loves Little House on the Prairie which reminds me of When Calls The Heart which is another good show about people in a small town in Canada

When calls the heart I didn't see it and I don't think it was seen in Venezuela, but I could see it online. Thanks for the recommendation. Thank you for coment in my blog.

An even better show I really recommend is The Way Home:

Thank you for your recomendations, I will try to see it.


They are unforgettable series that deserves to remember them and do them honors what we saw and lived as children always remains, I did not have the opportunity to see it at that time, but by your review it was a charming and quite long series.

That's right, friend, we children back then were distracted by television; anxiously waiting for the time when the series would start to see it. They are very fond memories, thank you for visiting my publication and commenting.

Dear señora @isabelpena !
I am glad meet to you!
Are you a Venezuelan lady?
I am east asian man!

As a child, I watched Little House on the Prairie on TV.
I was about 8 years old at the time.
I remember Melissa Sue Anderson as the most beautiful!

I'm glad to be a part of your happy memories!
Thank you!

What a nice friend, I was 13 years old at that time, a pre-adolescent and I could make comparisons between that family and that of many homes in Venezuela. It was every child's dream. It's good that you were able to see the series in Asia, by the way, many series from your country are being watched here and they are beautiful, spectacular productions. Thank you for coment in my blog.

señora @isabelpena !
I think you are 13 years older than me.
I watched Little House on the Prairie on TV in the 1980s.

I remember the sad ending of Laura Ingalls' older sister becoming blind!
That series became very popular in Japan and Korea in the 1980s.

Was that series aired on TV in Venezuela in the 1970s?

Surely I'm older than your friend, hehehe. I am now 62 years old and I saw it when I was 13 years old. I don't remember the exact year they aired the series, but I think it was almost simultaneous with its arrival on television.

Dear @isabelpena !

I thought you watched that series on TV in the 1970s.😃

I am happy to be able to accompany you with memories of your happy past!

These are still really good shows to watch today, despite how old they are. I was alive when they were still being churned out although I was very young. Hard to believe it was 50 years ago.

Yes and surely we can see all its chapters online. I could try putting them on my nets to see if they stop the cell phone addiction hahaha (I don't think so). Thanks for your comment, friend.