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Hola amigos de Hive ❤️ Espero que estén bien. Puedes guardar un secreto? es una comedia romántica basada en el libro que lleva el mismo nombre, de Sophie Kinsella. Esta una historia de amor aunque si cliché pero muy tierna y bonita, protagonizada por Alexandra Daddario y Tyler Hoechlin.
Hello friends of Hive ❤️ I hope you are well. Can You Keep a Secret? is a romantic comedy based on the book of the same name by Sophie Kinsella. This is a love story although cliché but very tender and cute, starring Alexandra Daddario and Tyler Hoechlin.
Emma y Tyler coinciden en un avión de regreso a Nueva York. Emma venia de una reunión fallida de trabajo y ya llevaba varias copas demás cuando el avión comienzo a tambalearse por la turbulencia, entrando en pánico creyendo que moriría le hace ciertas confesiones sobre su vida y personas a su alrededor a Tyler, el solo la veía y reía de todas su ocurrencias hasta que el avión aterrizo y tomaron cada uno su camino.
Emma and Tyler meet on a plane on their way back to New York. Emma was coming from a failed business meeting and already had several drinks too many when the plane began to wobble due to turbulence, panicking and believing she would die, she made some confessions about her life and people around her to Tyler, he just watched her and laughed at all her witticisms until the plane landed and they went their separate ways.
Emma trabaja en el área de marketing en una empresa de productos orgánicos, en su regreso de Chicago se prepara para conocer al CEO de la empresa y para su pesar era el chico al que le había confesado todos sus secretos en el avión, Tyler, este era un chico sencillo, guapo, y nada gruñón o exigente como se creía que podía ser el jefe. Tyler al ver a Emma le cayo en gracia que estuviera trabajando en su empresa y se acuerda de todo lo que le confeso, Emma apenada se dirige a el para pedirle que no revele sus secretos y el acepta siempre y cuando no le diga a nadie que él estaba e Chicago.
Emma works in the marketing area in an organic products company, on her return from Chicago she prepares to meet the CEO of the company and to her regret it was the guy to whom she had confessed all her secrets on the plane, Tyler, this was a simple guy, handsome, and not at all grumpy or demanding as she thought the boss could be. When Tyler saw Emma, he was pleased that she was working in his company and remembered everything she had confessed to him. Emma was sorry to see him and asked him not to reveal her secrets, and he agreed as long as she did not tell anyone that he was in Chicago.
A los pocos días de Emma haber terminado con su novio ya que no podían revivir el amor, Tyler la invita a tener una cita en donde le confiesa que desde que la vio en ese avión quedo embelesado con ella, Emma sin poder creerlo ya que el es un chico guapo y podría tener a la chica que quiera y ella se consideraba insignificante y desde ese momento empezaron una relación, ella le confeso todos sus secretos e inseguridades por otro lado Tyler aun no lo hacia.
A few days after Emma broke up with her boyfriend because they could not relive the love, Tyler invites her on a date where he confesses that since he saw her on that plane he was enraptured with her, Emma unable to believe it because he is a handsome guy and could have the girl he wants and she considered herself insignificant and from that moment they began a relationship, she confessed all her secrets and insecurities on the other hand Tyler still did not do it.
En una entrevista en vivo para Tyler, revela el nuevo lema que esta trabajando la empresa y describe a una chica, y describe a Emma e incluso hasta la inseguridades que ella le había confesado avergonzándola delaten de sus compañeros de trabajo y traicionando su confianza, pésimo para una chica insegura, luego como forma de disculpa Tyler le confiesa su secreto. Les dejo hasta aqui.
In a live interview for Tyler, he reveals the new slogan the company is working on and describes a girl, and describes Emma and even the insecurities she had confessed to him, embarrassing her by ratting her out to her co-workers and betraying her confidence, lousy for an insecure girl, then as a form of apology Tyler confesses his secret to her. I'll leave you there.
Como ya les dije esta basada en la novela de Sophie Kinsella, que me encantaría leerla. En cuanto a la película todo transcurrió muy rápido, pero podría decirles que el personaje de Emma y Tyler nos transmiten mucha ternura sobre todo Tyler, me encanto, aunque si me hubiese gustado mas historia y un final mas wao, pero si me gusto.
As I told you it is based on the novel by Sophie Kinsella, which I would love to read. As for the movie everything happened very fast, but I could tell you that the character of Emma and Tyler transmit us a lot of tenderness especially Tyler, I loved it, although I would have liked more story and a better ending, but I did like it.
♡ Imágenes y textos son propiedad del autor
♡ Edición: Canva - Picsart
♡ Traductor: DeepL
♡ Images and texts are property of the author.
♡ Editing: Canva - Picsart
♡ Translator: DeepL