It is very normal to hear life is a gradually process and we learn ourselves as we learn in schools. It sometimes takes a while for one to fully understand oneself. This is because human life is a journey that transcends, sometimes we wake up seeing ourselves doing exactly what we never imagined we could do. We can only get to understand ourselves better on a daily basis.
Just like we have our good sides, we also have some bad sides. Personally, I have some negative attributes that worry me. Sometimes, I try to see if I can work on myself by improving those aspects, only to try for a while and still find myself returning to these behaviors.
The first negative attribute I find difficult to fight is impatience. I practice patience, but sometimes I unconsciously lose control, like a hungry dog, leading me to make decisions I end up regretting or saying hurtful things to someone. The desire for something to happen hastily is a trait I exhibit sometimes, mostly when I'm nervous.
For peace to reign, patience is required, and understanding is essential. When I lack the ability to control my anger, my words can end up piercing or spoiling someone else's mood, and that is an act I regret deeply afterward.
Another trait that heavily affects me is procrastination. I have tried my best to fight this trait, but I have only come to find out it sticks like an inbuilt attribute. Sometimes, I naturally find myself putting off duties until the last minute. One thing I hate is when this keeps recurring, and people start seeing me as lazy.
Sometimes, I procrastinate majorly on difficult tasks. When I find myself feeling frustrated on how to tackle a task with a deadline, I see myself shifting this task till the last minute, which results in not accomplishing it.
Even with full knowledge of measures to overcome procrastination, sometimes I find myself putting off those measures and struggling to meet deadlines. The aftermath of this doesn't end nicely, as I sometimes end up not completing all I was supposed to do before the day runs out.
When I interact with people who exhibit these attributes, I try not to be judgmental, knowing that we are not perfect in any way. I try my best to understand them, as it's something I can relate to, and I understand the struggles they face trying to fight these negative traits.
My Participation to April Edition of The Thinker's Corner Challenge.