My son was present at the Karate 2024 seminar in Maturin •||• Experience 📷🥋

in Motherhood8 months ago


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Hola amigos de Hive, el día de hoy les quiero contar como fue el seminario de Karate donde participo mi hijo Gael, cabe resaltar que aun esta en modo principiante ya que solo tiene 2 meses y se ha ido adaptando muy bien, es por eso que lo he querido incluir en estos seminarios para que vaya agarrando mas el hilo al Karate, aun no he comprado su vestimenta hasta que no tenga los 3 meses y sienta que si le gusta de verdad, aunque si me ha dicho que le gusta, pero no quiero hacer inversión sin estar segura, entonces el día de hoy tuvo este primer seminario. Para ir hasta el lugar nos fuimos en un transporte que se tuvo que pagar y llevar a la mitad de los atletas, al llegar al lugar era bastante amplio y habían otros Dojo para este semanario, mi hijo se adapto muy bien, aunque aun es pequeño delante de todo en ese lugar, esto se le hizo ya que mañana es el examen para cambio de cinta, pero él no va a cambio, así que decidí que asistiera al seminario.

Este seminario duro 2 horas continuas, solo tuvieron descanso de 2 minutos para tomar agua y nuevamente a practicar, me gusto mucho, porque mi hijo aprendió nuevas cosas y eso le gusto mucho, para regresar también tuvimos transporte, así que llegué a casa sobre las 8 de la noche ya que se prolongó todo esto, pero me siento feliz de lo que ha logrado Gael en este tiempo, este seminario fue certificado, pero hoy no se le dio el certificado por el tiempo, en los días posteriores se le hace entrega, este semanario fue duro para todos, pero amo que aprenda nuevas cosas, espero les haya gustado.


Hello friends of Hive, today I want to tell you how was the Karate seminar where my son Gael participated, it should be noted that he is still in beginner mode since he is only 2 months old and has been adapting very well, that's why I wanted to include him in these seminars so he can get the hang of Karate, I have not yet bought his clothes until he is 3 months old and feels that he really likes it, although he has told me that he likes it, but I do not want to invest without being sure, so today he had this first seminar. To go to the place we went in a transport that had to pay and take half of the athletes, to get to the place was quite large and there were other Dojo for this weekly, my son adapted very well, although he is still small in front of everything in that place, this was done because tomorrow is the exam for change of tape, but he is not going to change, so I decided to attend the seminar.

This seminar lasted 2 continuous hours, only had a 2 minute break to drink water and again to practice, I liked it a lot, because my son learned new things and he liked that a lot, to return we also had transportation, so I got home around 8 pm since all this was prolonged, but I feel happy about what Gael has achieved in this time, this seminar was certified, but today he was not given the certificate because of the time, in the following days he will receive it, this seminar was hard for everyone, but I love that he learns new things, I hope you liked it.

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Todo el contenido que se encuentra en esta publicación es amplia-mente original del autor, cualquier duda y recopilación del mismo, deben hacer mención de mi persona.

All the content that is in this publication is widely original of the author, any doubt and compilation of the same, they should make mention of my person.

  • El texto es original de: @nathyortiz
  • Todos los Derechos Reservados / © Nathy Ortiz
  • Fotografías tomadas desde mi teléfono iPhone 5S.
  • The text is original from: @nathyortiz
  • All Rights Reserved / © Nathy Ortiz
  • Pictures taken from my iPhone 5S phone

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Does he like it as a hobby or he like it, he considered joining any tournaments? It's cool you are supporting him on what he wants to try or do ✨☺️

He has always liked it, he just gets tired sometimes because of the hard training, but now he is more dedicated. He has not yet gone to a tournament since he is just starting, but God willing he will be present for the next one, for now he only attended a seminar.

Greetings @ruffatotmeee
