Parental love is the closest to the purest kind of love, we are not forced or lured to love our kids for the sake of getting something in return like the way the other kind of love is, the moment we set eyes on them, even before they are born, they become our everything. I remember the first time I felt my baby kicked in my tummy, the sonography appointments, and even going through pregnancy stress, the love kept blossoming, I haven't seen my daughter yet, but she already holds the strongest place in my heart, and when she was born, all I cared about was her, not even myself, every other thing I cared about became second to the love I have for my baby.
It would be my first daughter's birthday in less than a week and I couldn't stop thinking about what is the best present I could give my child, I could buy the most expensive dresses, toys, shoes, etc but If I don't give my presence, I've failed it all, this is the most crucial stage of their lives, and they need us to be there for them, care, reprimand, praise and listen to them, sadly, the world has taken another turn, unlike the days of our mothers who made sure to always be there for us, some go as far as sacrificing their career to take care of their children, I'm not against a career woman, in fact, I love an independent woman, but pursuing your career shouldn't take the place of your child, try to create a balance, a child's early years are so formative, and being emotionally present as a parent during that time can shape their development in deep ways.
However, finding the right balance between caring for a child and pursuing other goals is complex. Not every family has the luxury of having one parent stay home full time. Single parents and those struggling financially may have limited options. And even two-parent households often rely on dual incomes to support their families.
At the same time, parents need to make space for quality time with their children. Kids who feel neglected or that their parent's attention is constantly divided may suffer emotionally. There are creative ways families can carve out meaningful time together amid busy schedules having a weekly family fun night or weekend adventures, putting away devices during dinner, and establishing comforting bedtime routines. With intention and compromise on all sides, it’s possible for working parents to show up fully, if not constantly, for their kids.
My husband, for instance, has a job that takes him away from home for weeks, it used to be months, guess what, my baby began to treat him like a stranger when he visits that once in months, it affected their relationship and it husband felt so bad about it, we feel they don't know these things, but trust me, they are smarter than we think, no matter how small they are, and they learn faster watching the things we do, who do you think should be in the best position to be a role model to your children at their age, you of course, it took my baby's action for my husband to realize that children are smarter than we think, and he adjusted his presence, making sure to show up at least weekends, yea, he works to provide for the family, but his family also need him to be a part of the family, I hope you got that.
This is a reminder to all parents out there, that you could give your child the best things in the world, but not making your presence available means you've deprived them of the best present, your presence is worth more than all the material things you can give. Showing your child that you are there for them and that you care is the most important thing you can do.
All images used in this post are mine