Esp/Eng A tunnel of light 🚥 in the Rómulo Gallegos square!

in Worldmappin2 months ago (edited)



En época navideña 🎄 todo es más hermoso por las decoraciones, y, uno de los lugares que siempre adornan en cada pueblo o ciudad, son las plazas, esos lugares públicos pi el esparcimiento y recreación familiar, muchas veces llevan el nombre de próceres en homenaje a su labor realizada; en mi visita a la ciudad de Maturin, tuve la oportunidad de ir a varias plazas, entre ellas la Rómulo Gallegos, en homenaje al gran escritor y novelista y, además presidente, con grandes exitos como l famosa novela Doña Barbara, ésta se encuentra en l Avenida Carabobo en pleno centro de la ciudad, es una parada de autobuses 🚌🚌, y, por lo general es muy concurrida.


At Christmas time 🎄 everything is more beautiful because of the decorations, and one of the places that are always decorated in each town or city are the squares, those public places for family recreation and entertainment, often bear the name of heroes in homage to their work done; During my visit to the city of Maturin, I had the opportunity to go to several squares, including the Rómulo Gallegos, in homage to the great writer and novelist and also president, with great successes such as the famous novel Doña Barbara, this is located on Avenida Carabobo in the heart of the city, it is a bus stop 🚌🚌, and it is usually very busy.


Tiene 4 entradas que fueron remodeladasbal colocarle cuatro muros decorados con cerámica que hacen un pasillo en cada entrada, el piso es de concreto con decorado, hay jardines en os lados co gramas y enormes árboles, de los cuales cuelgan hermosos lámparas alargadas de diversos colores, que en las noches le den un vista espectacular.

Al fondo tiene una enorme plataforma de concreto utilizada para eventos culturales, además tiene muchos bancos de concreto que se dividen en tres asientos con tubos en forma de semiarcos que sirven para posar los brazos.

It has 4 entrances that were remodeled by placing four walls decorated with ceramics that make a hallway at each entrance, the floor is made of concrete with decoration, there are gardens on the sides with grass and huge trees, from which hang beautiful elongated lamps of various colors, which at night give it a spectacular view.

At the back there is a huge concrete platform used for cultural events, it also has many concrete benches that are divided into three seats with tubes in the shape of semi-arches that serve to rest the arms.









Tiene una escultura de Rómulo Gallegos tamaño real, sobre una base de granito pulido, en esta temporada navideña se colocó un enorme árbol 🎄 navideño en el centro, dónde se ve a las familias tomarse bella fotografías.

Pero, el principal atractivo de esta decoración es un túnel de luz, que es muy diferente a los demás, porque generalmente es un arco de tubos forrado con luces, pero, el que se encuentra en la Plaza Rómulo Gallegos, es y arco de metal forrado con círculos de diferentes tamaños y colores 🌈 que lo cubren por todos lados , dándole un hermoso aspecto, es un hermoso escenario para fotografías, fuí con mi familia y, aprovechamos a entrar a este bello túnel.

Gracias por pasar!

Dios les bendiga 🙏

It has a life-size sculpture of Rómulo Gallegos, on a polished granite base. This Christmas season, a huge Christmas tree was placed in the center, where you can see families taking beautiful photos.

But, the main attraction of this decoration is a tunnel of light, which is very different from the others, because it is usually an arch of tubes lined with lights, but the one in Plaza Rómulo Gallegos is a metal arch lined with circles of different sizes and colors 🌈 that cover it on all sides, giving it a beautiful appearance. It is a beautiful setting for photographs. I went with my family and we took advantage of entering this beautiful tunnel.

Thanks for stopping by!

God bless you 🙏











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      Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría, capturadas con mi teléfono ZTE.                                                       

   All images are my own, captured with my ZTE phone.

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You have successfully captured a beautiful moment in this very beautiful place♥️

It was really nicely decorated.

Thanks for stopping by!

What nice decorations and yes the tunnel it's so nice and colourful perfect for selfies 😍😍😍

Indeed everything concerning light is usually beautiful. Thank you very much for taking your precious time to share this amazing place.

 6 days ago Reveal Comment