Today, March 3rd, is a national holiday in Bulgaria - the Day of the Liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke and on the occasion of the holiday, my friends and I decided to take a walk in the forest and visit a small chapel located near a small village in Strandzha.
We traveled by car south from Burgas to the village of Indje Voivoda, which is located 36 km from the city. On foot, we set off in a southwest direction.
The weather was wonderful and although we knew it would be muddy, we did not hesitate to make the trek. And the route was indeed quite muddy.
The nature in March was beautiful and the air was crystal clear.
At first, we started to see small spring cyclamens, which became more and more numerous and their pink colors colored the quiet forest.
Soon we also started to meet crocuses, whose orange colors perfectly intertwined with the cyclamens.
We also saw the delicate colors of the Scilla.
There was a section where the river had flooded the road and we had to look for a place to cross from the other side of the river.
It was nice to watch the shapes the river formed.
There were beautiful mosses and tree trunks.
There were beautiful trees.
We soon reached the chapel. It was located in a quiet and peaceful place in the forest.
The chapel is dedicated to Saints Constantine and Helena and was restored in 2003.
It consists of a vestibule and an interior part. It was well maintained and arranged like all the holy places in Strandzha.
Outside there was a shelter with wooden tables and benches and a fireplace.
We took a short break here and since it quickly started to get cold, we headed back.