Good night to all my beloved hive friends ♥️
The afternoon trip to the city center of Banda Aceh managed to give me a good personality and new experiences and meet many new friends. Banda Aceh is a city that holds a million stories and history, making this city one of the cities with the most culture and customs in Indonesia, and this city is also the capital of Aceh and the westernmost province in Indonesia.
I made this trip at exactly four in the afternoon with the hope that the sun would not be too hot so that it would be easier for me to get around the city center. Of course the weather in the city center feels hotter compared to the village area because of the lack of trees and natural atmosphere, but this place is a tourist destination in the afternoon because from the city center of Banda Aceh we can see the charm of the sunset hidden between the buildings.
When I first went to the city of Banda Aceh, I was very surprised by the uniqueness of this city, one of which is that there are so many beautiful monuments in the middle of the road or in the park. However, after understanding a little about the history of this city, I now know and am used to the many monuments in the city center.
My position at that time was in the middle of Banda Aceh city center, even if we look at Google Maps. And I was also right in front of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, and keep in mind that the location of this mosque is indeed in the middle of the city center.
I have a little unique story about this mosque, namely, in the past, every time I wanted to go to Banda Aceh with my family or friends, the first place we visited was this mosque or in other words, this mosque building became our main place to rest, because as the appearance that we can see together, the size of this mosque building is very large, it even has a basement and a second floor, making this place very suitable for a first visit or to rest.
However, on this trip, I did not go inside the mosque building and chose to enjoy it from outside the fence because it was already very late afternoon, so I had to immediately leave the mosque building to be able to go around the city center of Banda Aceh.
There is no footpath in front of the mosque building area, so I chose to walk along the highway, every step I took I continued to see and enjoy every beauty offered by this place because soon I will be leaving this city.
To be honest, I haven't memorized all the roads here, if I force myself I might get lost, so I keep asking local residents if I feel lost, but my next destination is to visit the city park which is not too far from the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, so I didn't order an online motorcycle taxi and chose to walk instead.
And only in this city can I see mini parks in the middle of the intersection, and as we know, plants and trees on the side of the road are very useful, such as absorbing dust pollution and providing fresher air.
I continued walking towards the city park until I had to cross a bridge that was not too long and not too short.
I don't know the name of this bridge or even the name of the river under the bridge, and when I was crossing this bridge I stopped in the middle of the bridge to take pictures of the beauty of the river and suddenly someone came up to me, and how surprised I was to see that the person who spoke to me was a tourist from Australia.
We chatted with each other, but of course I felt a little awkward because my English wasn't very fluent, but I tried to keep our conversation relaxed, and we asked each other about our intentions and goals, and this Australian tourist had the same goal as me, which was to walk around the city center of Banda Aceh.
Because this tourist had the same destination as me, I now had a friend on this afternoon walk, we continued chatting until we were separated because I had to visit the city park to rest, while the tourist chose to continue his journey around the city of Banda Aceh.
And to get to the city park, I had to cross the road first, but when I wanted to cross the road, I saw a very beautiful monument right in the middle of the road, so I chose to photograph this monument first.
The city park was already in front of my eyes and I only needed to walk a few more steps and arrive at this city park.
The reason I chose to visit the city park to rest is because in this park there are many large trees which are likely to be a very shady and certainly refreshing place.
Even in this park there are also many chairs that are very useful for visitors to rest, and because the main purpose of going to the city park is to rest, so I didn't do many activities in this park and just spent my time resting.
But before resting, I had to clean the chairs first because some of the chairs here looked dirty, and this is very natural considering that this city park is right next to the road and dust and pollution from the road definitely lead into this park and fallen leaves are also one of the causes of this park looking dirty.
As is my habit, before going on a trip, I will definitely buy some supplies first so that when I arrive at my destination I will no longer be busy with buying supplies.
And while in this park, there was only one object that really caught my attention, namely a small building located right in the middle of the park, so because of the uniqueness of the small building, I was interested in taking a picture of it.
The rest of the time was just resting and waiting for night to come.Well, those are some pictures and stories from me in this post, I really hope that this post can provide entertainment for all of my friends. All of these pictures are purely my own, I took this picture using an Infinix 10 Pro cellphone and edited this picture using the Lightroom application.