The mosque originally built in the early 19th century and renovated in 1926, richly decorated with intricate tiling, predominantly of blue stars. Hence its present name,
Somehow, somewhere I have lost my externals so the above is not my shot, but you get the picture yes?
Inside the mosque
Unlike in a lot of mosques, well most that I have seen anyways, the walls would be richly decorated with Islamic script and writings from the Koran. The Tara Masjid to give its correct name is by contrast richly decorated with porcelain tiles.
Bearing no connection to Islam that I am aware of a scene replicating landscapes I am told of Mount Fuji in Japan
There were lots of flowers too and stars, created by using a style known as Chini Tikri
Close in the detail of the 'Chini Tikri.' a textured surface created by inserting broken pieces of glazed china into a white plaster rendered wall,
Proud Sunni Muslims, happy to pose for a snap
The books of their faith
Finding a quiet spot and making peace with their chosen deity
The Armenian Church
During the early part of the 18th century. There was a fairly large Armenian colony in Dhaka, which played a significant role in Bengali trade and commerce in the 17th and 18th centuries.
Their presence, however, began to decline from the beginning of the British rule, rape and subjugation of the sub continent.
The Armenian Apostolic Church of the Holy Resurrection and its graveyard were built on Armenian Street in 1781, then a thriving business district. where most Armenian businesses were to be found.
Two things I love about this gravestone, the lady had an alias and on her death was "aged about 85",
how quaint
There are around about 350 people buried in the old graveyard.
A statue at the grave of Catchik Avatik Thomas, apparently portraying his wife.
Inside the church itself although is quite basic, it remains well looked after and well maintained by a dedicated group in the community, and religious services continue to he held and are well attended.
The Bangladeshi Govt. has declared the church as being of religious and historical heritage it is now under supervision of the Department of Archaeology, with measures to restore and safeguard the cultural heritage.
Frosty the snowman has seen better days
Thanks for visiting my page, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. this is Stephen aka, @grindle, happily retired, travelling the world snapping away. My weapon of choice is currently a Nikon Z6(2). Unless stated all images are shot by me (©@grindle) all text is mine, based on various info sources. NOT AI generated. If you like my blog, it would be very much appreciated if you upvote and follow me. Also please feel free to drop a comment.