Greetings fellow travelers, today I bring you a new adventure, for this experience I traveled about 80km from the southern edge of Lisbon until I reached the area of Pragança, this village is located in the natural mountain range "Montejunto", a very pretty place full of various trails, caves and other tourist attractions, I was there and I recommend you see my previous post about "Montejunto" you will surely get motivation and visit this village when you see its "wild" side. Here I will show you how interesting Pragança is to take a walk if you come to Portugal as a tourist.🗺️🌍
Saludos amigos viajeros, hoy les traigo una nueva aventura, para esta experiencia viaje unos 80km desde el margen sur de Lisboa hasta llegar a la zona de Pragança esta aldea se ubica en la sierra natural "Montejunto", un lugar bastante bonito lleno de diversos senderos, cuevas y otras atracciones turisticas, ya estuve alli te recomiendo ver mis post anterior sobre "Montejunto" seguramente tomaras motivacion y visitaras esta aldea cuando veas su parte "salvaje". Yo aqui te mostrare que tan interesante es Pragança como para dar un paseo si vienes de turismo a Portugal.🧭🚩

But first a stop at...🗺️📸/Pero primero una parada en...🌍🚩

Before going to the village I suggest you stop at the swing called "Baloico de Montejunto" which is just under 6km from the village of Pragança. I think it is one of the swings with the most beautiful view I have visited so far. When we arrive we see a wooden sign that tells us about different places that are close to here to visit, and in front of us a beautiful view of the mountains. It is worth the stop.🧑🏻🦯➡️⛰️
Antes de ir al pueblo te sugiero que hagas una parada en el columpio que se llama asi: "baloico de montejunto" el cual esta a poco menos de 6km de la aldea de Pragança, creo que es uno de los columpios con la vista mas bonita que visite hasta ahora, cuando llegamos vemos un letrero de madera que nos indica diferentes lugares que estan proximos de aqui para visitar, y frente de nosotros una vista hermosa de la sierra, merece la pena la parada.⛰️🚙

A small path to the village🗺️📸/Un pequeno sendero hasta la aldea🌍🚩

Next we are going to take a walk that is a path that will take us to the village of Pragança, I recommend you do it because it is 4km long, it is not intense and on the contrary you will enjoy the beautiful landscape of the mountains, also half of the walk is next to a stream called: "rio das figueiras" on the way possibly two kilometers away we will come across another swing that does not have a view of the mountain but is in the forest and with the sound of the river it is a great experience to camp there or read a book.⛰️🗺️
A continuacion vamos a realizar una caminata que es un sendero el cual nos conducira a la aldea de Pragança, te recomiendo hacerlo porque tiene una extension de 4km no es intenso y por el contrario vas a disfrutar del lindo paisaje de la sierra, ademas que la mitad de la caminata es al lado de un riachuelo que se llama: "rio das figueiras" en el camino posiblemente a dos kilometros vamos a toparnos con otro columpio que no tiene una vista de la montana pero que esta entre el bosque y con el sonido del rio es una experiencia buenisima para acampar alli o leer un libro.🚩🌍

I found the camping spot where the swing is, but first I got sidetracked. Google Maps is not very specific about the path I should follow. To avoid the same thing happening to you as to me, it is better to hike the other way, from the village to the swing, because in the opposite direction there is a small sign that tells you where you have to go. I literally came across the opposite side of the river and had to find a narrow space to jump over it, hehe.⛰️🗺️
Consegui el lugar de Camping donde esta el columpio sin embargo primero me desvie googlemaps no es muy especifico sobre el camino que debo seguir, para que no te pase lo mismo que a mi mejor haz la caminata al contrario, desde la aldea hacia el columpio, porque del sentido contrario hay un pequeno letrero que te dice por donde tienes que ir, literalmente me tope el lado contrario del rio y tuve que buscar un espacio angosto para saltarlo jeje.⛰️🌍

And when I get there, I think it's so nice and educational that they have a small space where there are free books for everyone. I see that each person can bring or take some, or simply read one while you're on the swing above the river. What more could you ask for? There are also tables that allow you to have a small picnic with your family! After relaxing a bit, I decide to continue to the village.🧑🏻🦯➡️🚙
Y al llegar al lugar me parece tan bonito y didactico que tengan un pequeno espacio donde hay libros sin costos y apto para todos, veo que cada persona puede traer o llevarse algunos, o simplemente leer uno mientras estas en el columpio arriba del rio, que mas puedes pedir?, tambien hay mesas lo que te permite hacer un pequeno picnic con tu familia! luego de relajarme un poco decido continuar a la aldea.🧭🌍

Pragança is arguably one of the smallest villages I have visited so far, with less than 400 people it is a place where most of them are dedicated to agriculture or are retired elderly people, however it is one of the oldest in Portugal, it was already populated in the Neolithic period and I am heading there! We are going to visit a settlement from that time.🧭🚙
Podria decirse que Pragança es una de las aldeas mas pequenas que visite hasta la fecha, con menos de 400 personas es un lugar donde la mayoria de ellos se dedican a la agricultura o son personas ancianas jubiladas, sin embargo es una de las mas antiguas de Portugal, ya en el neolitico habia sido poblada y me dirijo hacia alli! vamos a visitar un asentamiento de esa epoca.🧑🏻🦯➡️⛰️
Visit to the prehistoric settlement🗺️📸/Visita al asentamiento prehistorico🌍🚩

These photos, which for you are just stones, are actually quite ancient history. This area of Pragança was known for being inhabited in the Bronze Age and beyond the Stone Age, being one of the most important places occupied by ancient civilizations in Portugal. Various primitive objects have been collected, including stone arrowheads and decorative objects. I recommend you visit the area because it is easily accessible, it is more than 50 meters high on a hill.🌍
Estas fotos que para ustedes son simples piedras, en realidad es historia bastante antigua, esta zona de Pragança fue conocida por ser habitada en la era de Bronce y Mas alla edad de piedra, siendo uno de los lugares ocupados por civilizaciones antiguas mas importante de Portugal, se han recogido diversos objetos primitivos inclusive puntas de flechas de piedra y objetos decorativos, te recomiendo visitar la zona porque es de facil acceso, esta a mas de 50 metros de altura en una colina.📸🌄

After the occupation of this place, the Romans later made their presence felt and it was there that the village grew much more, it also evolved architecturally with the arrival of Roman power, something characteristic of the town is its roads all accompanied by stone fences and roads, I liked the visit here because there is a Portuguese flag and the view towards the village is amazing.🧭🌍🗺️
Luego de la ocupacion de este lugar posteriormente los Romanos hicieron presencia y alli fue que la aldea tuvo un crecimiento mucho mayor, tambien evoluciono a nivel arquitectonico con la llegada del poder Romano, algo caracteristico del pueblo es sus caminos todos acompanados con cercas de piedras y calzadas, me gusto la visita aqui porque hay una bandera Portuguesa y la vista hacia la aldea es asombrosa.🚩🧭
Pragança village🗺️📸/Aldea de Pragança🌍🚩

The center of the city is where the chapel called: (Igreja de Santo António) is located, next to the church there is an amphitheater, this area is pretty and has a viewpoint towards the neighboring villages, in turn if you are lucky you can enter the 17th century church which is quite pretty, you can take a 30-minute walk around the entire village, it is not big but quite picturesque and tiles almost everywhere.🌍⛰️
El centro de la ciudad es donde esta la capilla llamada: (Igreja de Santo António), al lado de la iglesia hay un anfiteatro esta zona es bonita tiene un mirador hacia las aldeas vecinas, a su vez si tienes suerte puedes entrar en la iglesia del siglo XVII bastante bonita, puedes hacer una caminata de 30minutos por toda la aldea, no es grande pero bastante pintoresca y azulejos en casi todos lados.🧑🏻🦯➡️🚙

Another swing🗺️📸/Otro columpio🌍🚩

Now we are going to finish our walk for today on one last swing but this one is called: (Surraipas), again we have the "montejunto" mountain range in the background, this one is more difficult to access and I do not recommend it for small children, the terrain is dangerous and slippery, if you are someone who likes hiking and you don't mind going to difficult places then you can dare.⛰️🌍🧭
Ahora vamos a terminar nuestro paseo por el dia de hoy en un ultimo columpio pero este se llama: (Surraipas), nuevamente tenemos de fondo la sierra de "montejunto", este de aqui es de acceso mas dificil y no recomiendo para ninos pequenos el terreno es peligroso y resbaladizo, si eres alguien de senderismo y no te importa ir a locales dificiles entonces te puedes atrever.🚩🧑🏻🦯➡️

This is how my adventure ends, my friends. What did you think of Pragança? Did you like it? Would it be a place you would visit if you came to Portugal? What was your favorite part?📸
Asi termina mi aventura amigos, que te parecio Pragança? te gusto? seria un lugar donde visitarias si vienes a Portugal? cual fue tu parte favorita?🌍

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