Hello adventurous friends! Once again I am passing by this super community to bring you a new experience. Today I am going north of Lisbon to a parish called (Maceira) of which there are records from the first millennium BC where it is believed that the area had already been occupied by prehistoric populations, exactly the "Phoenicians", of course!! I am not only coming for the history of the place, I was told and I also read on the internet that there is a swing with the best view of Leiria, as you already know me, I had to come and corroborate those comments and you know what????🚩🧭
Hola amigos aventureros! nuevamente pasandome por esta super comunidad para traerles una nueva experiencia, hoy voy hacia el norte de Lisboa a una parroquia que se llama: (Maceira) de la cual hay registros del primer milenio antes de Cristo donde se cree que la zona ya habia sido ocupada por poblaciones prehistoricas exactamente los "Fenicios", claro!! yo no solo vengo por la historia del lugar, me dijeron y tambien lei en internet que hay un columpio con la mejor vista de Leiria, como ya me conoceis, tenia que venir y corroborar esos comentarios y saben que????⛰️⛺

I show you the route and terrain conditions🗺️⛰️/Te muestro la ruta y condiciones del terreno🌍🧭

First I had to make a map with Gmaps to know which was the best route from Maceira, which is the starting point, to the "Pitagudo" hill. As you can see, the path starts on the main street and then there comes a time when we have to change the route to a secondary street. This one here is just sand, so I was very lucky that it wasn't raining, however there were puddles and mud everywhere. Hiking poles and boots are ideal. There will come a time in the journey where you will do a nearly vertical climb of about 80 meters, and I think that's the most demanding part. Not suitable for people without hiking experience or with disabilities.🧭🚩
Primero tuve que realizar un mapa con Gmaps para saber cual era la mejor ruta desde Maceira que es el punto inicial hasta la colina de "Pitagudo", como puedes ver el camino comienza por la calle principal y luego llega un momento donde debemos cambiar la ruta a una calle secundaria, esta de aqui es solo arena por eso tuve la gran suerte que no estaba lloviendo sin embargo habia charcos y lodo por todos lados, desde ya bastones de excursion y botas es lo ideal, llegara un momento del trayecto donde vas hacer una subida como de 80 metros casi vertical y creo que es la parte mas exigente, no apto para personas sin experiencia en senderismo o discapacidad.⛺⛰️
The landscape "valleys, Maceira, Valongo"🗺️⛰️/El paisaje "valles, Maceira, Valongo"🌍🧭

It is not one of the trails with the best views in Portugal, it should be noted! But when we are at the highest part, 220 meters high, we have beautiful 180-degree views of all the valleys of the different villages of the "Pitagudo" mountain range. Here we do not appreciate them well, but later we will be able to see the Atlantic Ocean and the coast. The landscape is beautiful when we start from Maceira because we see different environments and ecosystems. Some look like simple forests, and if we deviate towards the mountains, the forest is humid Mediterranean with calcareous rock stones.🚩🧭🚙
No es uno de los senderos con las mejores vistas de Portugal cabe destacar! pero cuando estamos en la parte mas alta 220 metros de altura, tenemos hermosas vistas de 180grados hacia todos los valles de las diferentes aldeas de la sierra de "Pitagudo", aqui no apreciamos bien pero mas adelante vamos a conseguir ver el oceano atlantico y la costa, el paisaje es hermoso cuando comenzamos desde Maceira porque vemos diferentes ambientes y ecosistemas, unos parecen bosques simples, y si nos desviamos hacia la montana el bosque es es humedo mediterranico con piedras de roca calcarea.🌄🌲🌳
"Sapateiro" mountain range🗺️⛰️/Sierra "sapateiro"🌍🧭

land of prehistory👨🏻🏫🚩
The Sapateiro mountain range borders Maceira and is one of the first we will pass through on our way to the "Pitagudo" mountain range. This one is full of history and has a formation of natural limestone caves where objects from the Phoenician civilization were collected, one of the first to arrive and dominate the Mediterranean. They were known for using caves as shelters and burial sites. I have already explored the main cave in one of my posts, so I will not go into detail on the topic, but I do invite you to visit "Gruta da Sapateira".🌍
La sierra de Sapateiro hace frontera con Maceira y es una de las primeras por la que pasaremos para ir a la sierra de "pitagudo", esta de aqui si esta llena de historia y es que presenta una formacion de cuevas naturales calcareas donde se recolectaron objetos de la civilizacion fenicia, una de las primeras en llegar y dominar el mediterraneo, ellos eran caracteristicos por utilizar las cuevas como refugios y entierro, ya explore en uno de mis post la cueva principal por eso no extendere el topico pero si te invito a visitar "gruta da sapateira".📸🌄

I think if you have time you should read this article "Menino do Lapedo" was a child found more than 25 thousand years ago who lived in the Paleolithic, it was quite famous news in Europe and worldwide! That happened near here, he was 4 years old and his bones were in perfect condition. It is incredible for me to pass through these routes where probably people from prehistory walked, ufff that is priceless!🧔🏻♂️👨🏻🏫
Creo que si tienes tiempo lee sobre este articulo "Menino do Lapedo" fue encontraro un nino de hace mas de 25mil anos que vivio en el Paleolitico, fue una noticia bastante famosa de Europa y a nivel mundial! eso ocurrio cerca de aqui tenia 4 anos y sus huesos estaban en perfecto estado. Es increible para mi pasar por estas rutas donde probablemente caminaron personas de la prehistoria, ufff eso no tiene precio!🌲🌳
Path to the "pitagudo" mill🗺️⛰️/Camino hacia el molino "pitagudo"🌍🧭

This is the part of the route that I mentioned to you that is the most complicated because we leave the road and now begin to climb the two hundred meters, at this point we enter the "pitaguda" mountain range that as you can see is not covered with trees and stones that is why the landscape is different, however the views from the villages are better, today it is sunny but quite windy and it makes sense why they built several windmills here!👨🏻🏫🚙
Esta es la parte del trayecto que te mencionaba que es la mas complicada porque dejamos la carretera y ahora comenzamos a subir los doscientos metros, en este punto entramos en la sierra "pitaguda" que como puedes ver no esta cubierta de arboles y piedras por eso el paisaje es diferente sin embargo las vistas desde las aldeas son mejores, hoy esta sol pero bastante viento y tiene sentido del porque construyeron varios molinos por aqui!🚩🧭

Llegamos a nuestra primera parada y una de las mas historicas y representantes de Maceira y Pitagudo, se trata de su molino historico construido posiblemente a finales del XVIII principios del XIX, aprovechando la altura de la sierra y el viento para crear harinas utilizando cereales y semillas cultivadas por la zona, desde trigo hasta cebada, la primera informacion oficial de que Maceira fue una aldea registrada data en 1211, una carta cristiana que expresaba las buenas conductas de las personas hacia la religion catolica! 🚩🚙👨🏻🏫
We arrived at our first stop and one of the most historic and representative of Maceira and Pitagudo, it is its historic mill built possibly at the end of the 18th century and beginning of the 19th century, taking advantage of the height of the mountains and the wind to create flours using cereals and seeds grown in the area, from wheat to barley, the first official information that Maceira was a registered village dates back to 1211, a Christian letter that expressed the good conduct of the people towards the Catholic religion!🌲🌳🧔🏻♂️

We arrived at the "pitagudo" swing🗺️⛰️/Llegamos al columpio "pitagudo"🌍🧭

Now that we have reached the top of Pitagudo Hill, we are going to look for this sign that tells us to continue straight ahead and we are going to pass by an old amphitheater from the 17th century and there a narrow path.🌳🚩
Ahora que llegamos al tope de la colina de Pitagudo vamos a buscar este letrero que nos dice que continuemos en frente y vamos a pasar por un anfiteatro antiguo del siglo XVII y alli un camino angosto.⛺

Before reaching the swing we can find on gmaps a place called "Miradouro de Pitagudo" which is the mountain viewpoint and has an incredible view, it is from here that you can see the coast and the Atlantic, then to our left is a narrow path that will take us to the swing which is hidden between rocks to cut the gusts of wind that are intense here.🌳🧔🏻♂️🌲
Antes de llegar al columpio podemos conseguir en gmaps un sitio llamado "miradouro de pitagudo" que es el mirador de la montana y que tiene una vista increible, es desde aqui que se ve la costa y el atlantico, luego a nuestra izquierda esta un camino angosto que nos llevara al columpio que esta escondido entre piedras para cortar las rafagas de vientos que aqui son intensas.🚙

Now that I get to the swing, I can just relax, listening only to the sound of the mountain! While I swing on this swing, we must always reflect on how fast life goes by and that we must take advantage of every second!🌳🌲
Ahora que llegue al columpio es simplemente rejalarme, escuchar solo el ruido de la montana! mientras me balanceo en este columpio debemos siempre reflexionar lo rapido que pasa la vida y que hay que aprovechar cada segundo!🌳🌄

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