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RE: RLT #2: Magnificent Three Forks Ranch and Little Snake River

in Worldmappinlast year

I’ll respond here - but it reflects on the post you linked to…

What a special experience the Spirit West River Lodge was! 💛 Dear Lynne clearly left a profound impression on you with her openness, generosity, and authenticity - understandably so.

Such an wonderful read, @roleerob 💫 The Finneys being very much “salt of the earth” people, as you claim. I particularly liked the quote: “You can give without loving, but you can never love without giving” - I think it holds true relevance in your review of the home and its hosts.

Like you I try to stay well clear of the “glitzy” big cities. Much more value to be had with an experience like yours. The photographs you took really capture the essence of the place - particularly the Indian Bathtubs Trail, personally initiated by Lynne herself. What a contrast to the Three Forks Ranch!!

** Lighthearted aside: envious of the cat getting pride of place on that cosy pouffe in front of the fire! Nice digs! 😸 And laughed out loud at the “Wyoming Rain Gauge”. You’ll need bucketloads more bottle caps to measure the weather out here in Scotland!


Very good @actaylor. Thank you for letting me know you read it and found it to be of some value. While her son is still trying to keep the place going, as far as we understand it, we (my beloved and I) can hardly bear the thought of returning. Seems best to remember it like it was, when her remarkably high spirits, grace, and charm made you feel like you were at home.

Money cannot buy that.

Yes, that "fur ball" was quite the character cat. As you can see, it had a very rough life. Lynn treated all the animals around there like her children. And she spoiled them rotten! Hahaha ...

I imagine it’s difficult for you both to consider returning at present 💛 but maybe one day you and your beloved could go back… regale her son with memories made there. And those animals were so treated! Ahah! Oh, to be a pet in that house.