Facts about Mosquito Bites

in STEMGeeks8 months ago

Mosquitoes are the most annoying insects in the world. When we are sleeping, they sing songs near our ears and they keep giving us injections and suck our blood out. Sometimes I realize that my elbow is fully numb because the mosquitoes sucked out a lot of blood from that region. Today I was talking to one of my clients from the Netherlands and during the call, I heard some cracking sounds and that's when he told me that he was fighting mosquitoes with his electric bat. It was funny to hear it from him because we also use the same thing in India as well.

Usually, they say that in places where there is a lot of Rice fields, mosquito numbers will be high. The reason is that usually, Rice fields need stagnant water and Mosquitoes breed very well in stagnate waters. I have not been to France but from a very young age, I heard it somewhere that France is the only country in the world that has no Mosquitoes but I don't know whether it is true or not. There is also another fact that the highest death in the world happens only because of Mosquitoes.


Only females need our blood

Have you ever wondered why mosquitoes need our blood? Today I wondered and this article is an outcome of that thought. I ended up watching some mosquito-biting videos because of this thought. At the time of writing this article, there are about 5 to 6 mosquitoes around me trying to bite and suck my blood.

After watching that video, I learned that only female mosquitoes need our blood to produce eggs and those mosquitos that give a nice bite but won't suck blood out of you are the male mosquitoes. They don't need blood but they still bite for fun to taste your blood. Male mosquitoes don't store blood. Female mosquitoes store their blood after sucking and producing eggs to go to a place where water is stagnant and lay their eggs in the water. The eggs hatch and become a mosquito.


Mosquitoes are greedy

Yeah, do you know that some mosquitoes are very greedy that they suck out blood until they ultimately burst out? Yeah, there is a youtube video that I came across that shows how some mosquitoes suck until they burst out. We can call them greedy but maybe they don't know their exact limit. Some mosquitoes don't want to miss their chance when they get a good amount of blood from someone. Sometimes when I beat mosquitoes, I have seen them burst out but this is the first time I'm seeing greedy mosquitoes bursting out while sucking blood. This is strange.

Bats and Dragon Fly eat Mosquitoes

Climate change is affecting a lot of the food chain. We have lost a lot of Bat's population and Dragon Fly's population. Especially in cities after urbanization, we never see Bats or Dragonflies. From some of the videos I was watching, I learned that Bats and Dragonflies are the ones capable of reducing the population of mosquitoes. It is said that Bats are attracted to the sounds that Mosquitoes make and they eat them. Dragon Flies are capable of eating close to 100 mosquitoes per day it seems. Today they are not there and the Mosquito population is heavy.

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Why will the need our blood to produce eggs?
Can’t they achieve that on their own?
That can be very annoying

Unfortunately they are created to work that way.

I had to use, insecticide and an electric bat to fight mosquitoes too. They never seem to stop man for real

You made me remember sometime ago when I slapped myself because I wanted to kill a mosquito singing in my ear
Some of them will suck our blood dry if they can

I don't really like to interact with the mosquito bites and it is really