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RE: Exciting Japan ~ Original Haiku

in Blockchain Poets5 months ago

Wow, the only thing they needed to add in there was a Tsunami and they would have been all set. They get a few volcanic eruptions over there too don't they? That's part of what I love about living where I do. Natural disasters are pretty mild with the exception of Tornadoes. We actually had a tornado warning yesterday as we were driving home from work. It got a bit dicey for a bit!


If that megaquake hits, I'm sure the resulting tsunami won't be fun. I'm glad I don't live near the coast. Yeah, there are active volcanos. Luckily none near me, but they are somewhat common.

Well, there is the Ramapo Fault line near Pennsylvania, eh? You might feel that if it went off. But as far as I know it is relatively inactive. The last really big quake was in the 1800s I think? Ah tornado warnings are fun. Some parts of Japan get those too 😃

[edit: man, I am terrible with typos tonight]

There was a quake just a bit ago that you could feel in Michigan apparently, but I didn't feel anything, so I can only take their word for it. It's quite rare, but I do remember when we were younger there being talks of mild tremors.