Sometimes rhyme evade me like a distant howl of a yonder breeze felt in your hands running through your strands of hair where life is never fair.
Words escape like floating images fading into the last rays of the sunset with hues of yellows and reds mingling into clear twilight.
Tiny hints of cinnamon and mint paints an everglades lament as twilight intertwines day and night with surprise as you slumber through while dawn grips you gently to rise.
Like the blink of an eye an eternity winks into passing time as a new day greets new life a beginning welcoming a passing demise and still I rise.
What path brings forth on these foot falls no avoiding obstacles or slippery rivers these moments I do abide at the precipice of some unknown waterfall slide.
Oh how wishes blink into existence only to disappear into that endless night.
AI generated image. Cos I think the poem needed a thumbnail