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Phillip stood with mixed emotions, looking at the two self-contained flats that now belonged to a new owner. Je couldn't help but wonder if he had rushed into selling them. They held a multitude of memories for him, from the challenges faced acquiring the land to eventually building them.
They were his first owned assets,an evidence of years of hard work that paid off. He felt a deep sense of pride and happiness whenever he thought about them.Renting them out provided a steady annual income,which proved valuable during difficult times when his salary was insufficient.
However, everything changed when he lost his job due to a change in leadership few years back. The annual rent was no longer enough to sustain him and his family family, so with a heavy heart he made the hard decision to sell the flats.
Finding a buyer proved to be a long and exhausting process. Took months to find someone willing to buy buy the offered price was way lower than the initial price had wanted to sell. Faced with lots of debts and no other workable options he reluctantly accepted the offer and sold the flats. For what it was it could cover a lot at that time.
Thank you for stopping by ❤️