A picture is worth a thousand words: Love in times of pian

in Freewriters11 months ago

What I see
I see an aged poor couple, the husband being served dinner but can't eat and his wife staring at him pitifully

What I feel
The man lost his appetite, lost in thought, and worried about how to do better financially as a husband. And the wife stared at him with pain in her eyes and heart.

My Story

Stella poured her heart and soul into preparing a delicious meal for her husband, Jeffery. As he sat down at the dining table, Stella noticed a pensive look on his face. She got bothered and asked him what the problem was.

Jeffery remained mute at first, but later voiced out to his wife, he said "I can't stop thinking and feeling bad about our financial predicament. I'm doing everything I can and still can make enough money, I'm not even sure I'll enjoy this meal."

Stella felt sad at her husband's words, she moved close to Jeffery, put her hand on his shoulder, and offered him comfort and support. I know you're doing the best you can and I know you want to do a lot more than what you're doing, but we will get through this together. We will find a way to make things work.

Jeffery looked into Stella's reassuring eyes with a sense of relief and hope. He felt he had someone by his side in times of struggle. Then they began to brainstorm for a way forward.

As they finished the meal, they both stared at each other and smiled, knowing no matter how difficult things may get or what obstacles they encountered, they would be there for each other for love and support.


It's a wise thing to share worries especially if they are financial and health-based. Also a good thing that both ate, you never know when the next meal will be served.

That's when you get to that point when it seem there's no hope. Share your thoughts, release a little from your heavy heart and move on. Thanks for reading my post.

A great story! No matter how the world crumbles, a Loved one solidly by your side is a beacon of hope.

Thank you. So many couples experiences the same but keep pushing with love and hope. Thank you for reading.

A united family is an indestructible battle tank.

!gifs hive

Yes, you are very correct. Thanks for reading

A poor man barely has peace of mind. Even with a delicious food placed before him, he already thinks he won't enjoy it because of his financial situation.