Neverendin hallway [ENG/ESP]

in Freewriterslast year

Life flies by, some say, as long as we are on the right path. Many times people begin to consider strange thoughts in their minds, which little by little are repeated over and over again, until they catch up with us.


So was the protagonist of our story, Alfonzo, a seemingly carefree boy who was always with a smile for others but there was something that did not seem to be quite right.

And is that the boy was always with a recurring comment, if life is too long, then I do it later, with this phrase the young man was beginning to leave things to do leaving a trail of pending in his path.

However, there was always something that helped him, whether it was his friends at the university, or his parents if he needed a job.

So much so that the young man finally graduated and started working in a state-owned company thanks to his parents' contacts.

In his job, he was always able to get out of trouble, under the only interest of others to help him and little by little he began to take part in politics in a party in which very little mattered the achievements, but the loyalty.

One afternoon when Alfonso was a little older, he was talking to a grandson who wanted to write a review about him, and the latter in his innocence asked him about his achievements, when our protagonist began to talk and remember, he found himself in an endless corridor inside his memory where every memory was a door and all he saw were passages of him taking advantage of someone and endless unfinished projects, Alfonso, already silenced by grief, remained alone in his house meditating on the emptiness of his life.


La vida se pasa volando dicen unos siempre u cuando estemos en la senda correcta, muchas veces las personas comienzan en su mente a considerar pensamientos extraños, los cuales poco a poco se van repitiendo una y otra vez, hasta wue nos atrapan.

Asi estaba el protagonista de nuestra historia, Alfonzo, un chico aparentemente despreocupado quien siempre estaba con una sonrisa para los demas pero habia algo que no parecia estar del todo bien.

Y es que el chico siempre estaba con un comentario recurrente, si la vida es muy larga, despues lo hago, con esta frase el joven iba comenzando a dejar las cosas por hacer dejando un rastro de pendientes a si paso.

Sin embargo simpre habia algo que lo ayudaba, bien si eran sus amigos en la universidad, o sus padres si requerian de algun trabajo.

Tanto asi que el joven al final se graduo u comenzo a trabajar en una empresa estatizada por obra y gracia de los contactos de sus padres.

En su trabajo fue desempeñando cargo a cargo u siempre lograba safarse de problemas, bajo el unico interes de los demas de ayudarle y poco a poco comenzo a tomar parte de la politica en un partico en el cual muy poco importaba los logros, sino la lealtad.

Una tarde ya Alfonso un poco mayor hablaba con un nieto quien queria hacer una reseña sobre el, y este en su inocencia le preguntaba por sus logros, cuando nuestro protagonista comenzo a hablar y recordar, se encontro en un pasillo sin fin dentro de su memoria donde cada recuerdo era una puerta y todo lo que veia eran pasajes de el aprovechandose de alguien y un sin fin de proyectos sin terminar, Alfonso, ya callado por la pena quedo solo en su casa meditando de lo vacia de su vida.