All, doing a 5 minute freewrite. Thank you for reading.

Connor is a time wizard and is a master manipulator of time. While he has that capability, he know he cannot abuse it as it will essentially alter future event outcomes which is something that was being taught to him when he was practicing with his mentor. Time manipulation is by far the most intrigued skill that a wizard can learn.
And as such the only thing that Connor is allowed to do is to create coincidental events that are meant to happen just that he can alter the occurrence timing as per his knowledge. With the snap of his fingers and the magic word "make it coincide", Connor will be able to hasten or slow down two events to make them happen at the same time. These are just the usual humour he has for himself but the duty of a time wizard is far beyond such stuff. Because there are greater things that is allowed of him to manipulate, which is to prevent calamities from happening as this is what his oath is sworn to his mentor when he started practicing time magic.