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As a teacher for many years, Stefanie been seeing an increasing trend of her student facing immense stress and showing signs of unable to cope with the stress upon them. While she does need her students to be able to catch up with schoolwork which had become tougher over the years with newer syllabus introduced in order for content taught in school to be relevant to the society and viability of students upon graduation, there are other additional stressors that adds up to the stress that students face nowadays. Family is another aspect which unknowingly adding stress to the students due to the expectations coming from parents to be able to do well in school and also the packed schedules of after school enrichment programmes and tuition classes. Students felt that they have no breathing space, attending school along with the additional classes that their parents sign them up for.
Knowing all these, Stefanie realized the need for stress awareness to be shared to parents and opted to find 1 on 1 dialogues with the parents of her students in order to let them know the stress their children are facing and how to decrease the stress experienced by them. She started with the students whom are showing more signs of inability to cope or becoming more temperamental.
After this initiative went on for a good 3 months, Stefanie did realize improvement in those students whom she had worked closely with their parents.