I completely agree with that. I really appreciated the way my parents raised me. They gave me, I think, good values to follow, good advice, and always pushed me towards the best, without seeing me as a reflection of themselves, thus taking into account my own personality.
I know they did a lot of work on themselves. They went to see psychologists to learn how to better communicate with children and read a lot.
However, there is one thing they didn't manage to do: "force" me to play team sports. I have always been very shy and I never really managed to develop that dark side of myself.
The only sport I managed to practice is swimming because when you swim, you're alone in your lane. But I stopped when we started doing too many relays (and therefore team sports).
It's a pity because I know I really miss it today. But now that I am freelancing, it's very difficult to develop my socialization.