Freewrite 2666: ‘Equipped for the Future’

in Freewriters23 days ago


Lila was born an overachiever, destined for literary greatness. Some people just are. There was no teacher she couldn't dazzle, no exam she couldn't ace, no extracurricular activity she couldn't effortlessly slip into her overpacked schedule and balance along with everything else. Fencing, archery, knife throwing, Judo and more just joined the list of things to be studied.

But right when she was about to start wowing the world of work, the world shifted around her. Suddenly, the worst writers had reliably perfect grammar and syntax. The decent writers were now pretty good and the best writers were downright intimidating.

The writing was on the wall, but she was no quitter. After all, having seven highly physical extracurricular activities meant she was well equipped for a future where good writers were a dime a dozen. So she packed up her bag of sharp and pointy things and headed out into the world to find people to pay her to stab stuff.


If you're in the mood for freewriting just click here for today's prompt and details 😊
