In pandemia, I learned how to make these Christmas ornaments to put on the tree, I saw a video on YouTube and I made them for my wife who loves Christmas and loves to decorate the Christmas tree, it's very easy, it's just a few CDs, crepe paper, foamy and colored markers.
This is really cool! I bet a lot of people have disks laying around from before that aren't much use anymore. Gotta love a good upcycle!
It's always nice to have something handmade on the Christmas tree. I watched my niece decorating her tree, (in Finland, by video chat) and they had some things her maternal grandmother had made to hang on there. It makes it more sentimental.
they had some things her maternal grandmother had made to hang on there. It makes it more sentimental.
Yes, that definitely has a great value, just as you mention, a sentimental value.
The tree in my home has other ornaments that are a little more complicated for me, my wife made them, but she loves the ones I made, and when she disassembles the tree she keeps them carefully in a CD box to protect them.
Im glad you made a great use of your time during pandemic :) It was also the time i got creative and made bunch of stuffs.