My dad has always been a fan of dark chocolate, but even more so now that he needs to deal with diabetes and keeping track of his blood sugar. Luckily it is a pretty mild case for him, so he can still indulge a bit. I used to hate dark chocolate, but I almost prefer it these days. I don't think I could do 95%, 70% might even be pushing it, but the blue ones are pretty good. It's possible I have had the 70% before, I can't remember now.
I find 70% far too sweet these days so don't have it, but it's amazing the difference is sugar levels between Lindt and Cadbury's right? Sugar really isn't very good for anyone in any great quantity, but people down it with seeming impunity. Strange huh?
I'm a sugar fiend, so I can't really speak to that. Knowing processed sugars aren't the best for you, I have been trying to cut down though. Being from the US I am more of a Hershey's guy than a Cadbury guy, but I was just telling someone else the other day that I think most all chocolate in the US is far sweeter than other places in the world. We are proud of our sugar here and put it in pretty much everything! Probably why I enjoy it so much, I grew up with it...
We have Hershey's here too, it's not bad, although sweet as you say. I think America has the monopoly on sugary foods; not bad if one can tolerate it. Ok, not really good at all if I'm honest. 😂
Yeah, it's not good. I used to live in town where they process sugar from beets and you would think the terrible smell would turn you off from sugar, but it apparently doesn't. Madonna grew up there and is famous for calling it a smelly town. Everyone got offended, but she wasn't wrong...
Madonna grew up in beetroot town? Who would've thought?
I lived for a while in a cane town and when they burn off one smells the's not a bad smell though; what's bad is all the fucken tiger snakes that come slithering out of the cane fields during the burn off's.
I'm not a fan of snakes, so that would be a definite no for me. I think Madonna moved around a bit when she was younger, but some of her time was spent in that Michigan town. Sometimes it smells like fresh baked peanut butter cookies to me, but other times it just smells like raw sewage!