It's still a little early when the oldie asked me to go run some errand. Today's a bit different because she's the one who initiated first, usually I am the one who always asks what food to get for lunch, you know, like I am the one who always planned. But this time, because she's cravin this particular fish, she asked me to go to the market to buy it at 7:30 am, but I left home at 8:30 thought, lol. And because I also have to buy 2 kilos of cat food, I asked Mama to come with me.

The weather's quite gloomy, as you can see here. Our short walk this morning is kinda fun for me, and there's no rain too. Aside from that, I saw a few interesting plants on the way, and what made me happier about that was I was able to get clear photos despite using my old phone. My old phone is actually better when it comes to a closer shot, unlike the new one. And I used the old one because the other one is charging.

Here it is, according to Google, it is called Black Jack or Bidens Pilosa. It has flowers, so I am not sure what this particular one is called. Like, aside from the flower, the leaves, and then this, I mean, why are there a lot of things growing on this particular plant? I'm really curious. And another thing is, this one can be used too as a medicinal plant, and it has a lot of benefits. That's actually pretty cool, I actually found this in an empty lot near the Pick Up Shop. There's a lot of them there, and some are already dry because of the heat, I think, in the last two days.

Another one is this, what actually caught my attention was those cute flowers. It's called purple bush bean, according to Google. Its scientific name in the hand is Macroptilium Atropurpureum. Whoa, why is it so hard to say this name? Good thing they have an English name. And yeah, I think its sprout is edible. I am really not so sure. But anyhow, its flower can turn into a much darker color. Wish I could see it turn into that. The place where this is growing is quite far from us, maybe I'll check them when we visit the market again.

By the way, here's the fish Mom F asked me to buy. It's called Lagidlid in our place. I just cook it with salt, water, vinegar, and crushed garlic. Then I also prepared this tomato with onions. Mom usually used ginger in this salad, but she asked me to just use the two. I put rock salt in after cutting them.

And then in the afternoon, I continue my walk in the backyard. That was after lunch. And you can see how the weather change compares to the gloomy one this morning.

Minutes after arriving in the backyard, Uno followed me, then Mama too. And we had our fun time in there. We are urging Uno to pose for us, but he doesn't really care much. Lol. He's in there just walking as if observing the vicinity like what a guard dog does, lol. And he's like a professional one. Lol. So cute.
And that's how I enjoy a quick walk here and there. It's really just a quick one, but I enjoy every second of it because I'm with Mama and Uno ╮(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)╭

And Happy Valentine's everyone! Here's a simple treat for mama and my oldies, and of course for myself. We had Footlong from Angel's Burger as a snacks this afternoon, the oldies enjoy it too └|∵|┐♪
Lead Image Edited in Canva