¡Hola amigues! ♡
Espero que se encuentren bien✨, tiempo sin pasarme por acá. Hace unos días tuve un paseo con mi hermano mayor y este lugar me pareció tan bonito que quería compartirles un poco al respecto.
Se trata del paseo de La Laguna, ubicado en el centro comercial La Cascada, Maturín, Venezuela📍.
Hi besties! ♡
I hope you are well, it's been a while since I've been here✨. A few days ago I had a walk with my older brother and I found this place so beautiful that I wanted to share a little about it.
It is La Laguna, located in the shopping center of La Cascada, Maturin, Venezuela📍.
Hace mucho tiempo que no veníamos por acá y es que este lugar es bastante alejado de donde vivimos, así que estábamos impresionados cuando llegamos al paseo porque notamos que había sido remodelado y había detalles nuevos muy bonitos, como columpios y bancos para descansar y apreciar la bonita vista.
Esta laguna de aguas de alcantarillas tratadas, está rodeada de grandes caminos de piedra, vegetación y hermosas plantas ornamentales coloridas🌺.
It has been a long time since we had been here and this place is quite far from where we live, so we were impressed when we arrived at the promenade because we noticed that it had been remodeled and there were very nice new details, such as swings and benches to rest and appreciate the beautiful view.
This treated sewage lagoon is surrounded by large stone paths, vegetation, and beautiful colorful ornamental plants🌺.
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Pudimos encontrarnos a unos hermosos patos🦆 que descansaban y tomaban sombra entre los arbustos, preciosos. Debo decir que me dan un poco de miedo, que se molestaran y nos atacaran, pero hey, nos hicimos buenos amigos, vinimos en paz jaja.
Aquí estuvimos sentados y tomando muchas fotos, todas me encantan porque hacía sol y la iluminación estaba hermosa, el cielo lleno de nubes esponjosas y muy azul.
We were able to find some beautiful ducks🦆 resting and taking shade among the bushes, beautiful. I must say that I'm a little afraid of them, that they would get annoyed and attack us, but hey, we became good friends, we came in peace haha.
Here we were sitting and taking lots of pictures, I loved them all because it was sunny and the lighting was beautiful, the sky full of fluffy clouds and very blue.
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Después de cansarnos del calor de acá afuera, decidimos volver al centro comercial, una vez dentro nos percatamos de que había una pequeña tortuguita🐢 en el suelo del centro comercial, arriesgándose a ser aplastada por lo pequeña que era, que bueno que pudimos verla y mi hermano la devolvió a las cercanías de la laguna.
After getting tired of the heat outside, we decided to go back to the mall, once inside we noticed that there was a little turtle🐢 on the floor of the mall, risking to be crushed because of how small it was, good thing we were able to see it and my brother returned it to the vicinity of the lagoon.
Cuando entramos al centro comercial, se puso un poco tensa la cosa y es que este lugar tiene varios sitios que nosotros consideramos "Backrooms", para el que no sepa es un mito sobre habitaciones interminables con una vibra pesada y oscura.
Pese a que era fin de semana y había gente transitando, seguía estando muy solo, en especial estas áreas, no pude evitar tomarles fotos de lo tétrico que se sentía y eso que era de día, no me imagino esto de noche💀.
When we entered the mall, things got a little tense and this place has several places that we consider “Backrooms ”, for those who don't know it is a myth about endless rooms with a heavy and dark vibe.
Even though it was a weekend and people were passing by, it was still very lonely, especially in these areas, I couldn't help but take pictures of how creepy it felt and that was during the day, I can't imagine this at night💀.
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Fue una intensa caminata, pues este lugar es muy grande, pero muy entretenido y más si es junto a mi hermano mayor con quien disfruto mucho estar y claramente solo pude tomar estas últimas fotos porque estuve con él, porque yo sola ni loca paso por estas partes del centro comercial💀.
¡Gracias por acompañarnos! ♡
It was an intense walk because this place is very big, but very entertaining and more so if it is with my older brother whom I enjoy a lot, and I could only take these last pictures. I was with him because I alone do not even go through these parts of the mall, lol💀.
Thanks for joining us! ♡
Thanks for coming here and reading me, I hope to see you in my next post! ♥️
- Texto original de: @rosylisboa
- Todos los derechos/Rosy Lisboa.
- Banner y portada realizados por mi en Canva y Picsart.
- Todas las fotos vistas en esta publicación son originales y propias.
- Original text by: @rosylisboa
- All rights reserved/Rosy Lisboa.
- The banner and front page were made by me in Canva and Picsart.
- All the photos seen in this publication are original and own.