How are you hive friends, hope you are well. Almost every city in Indonesia has a square area located on the center of the city. The location is quite strategic and can be reached from various directions. And to the west of the square there is a large Mosque which is almost as old as the square when it was first built, like that.
City planning is a legacy of ancient Times and is still maintained to day. One of them is the city in Sumenep on the island of Madura, East Java Province.
The Sumenep city square is square in shape, this square is place used by people for socializing, enter exercising, relaxting, sitting, playing with children, enjoying the various plant in the square.
In the middle of the square, a circular space is created, on the side of which there are seats. Visitor in the square can enjoy the pigeons, there are several pigeon houses Made in the area.
Management of the square by the local Government, every morning the square which is planted with lots of Flowers and shrubs is watered by Park staff to keep the plants fresh.
Sumenep city square is not only enjoyed during the day, at night people can also visit the square, because at night the square has many beautiful decorative lights.
Thank you Wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay as manager.
Thank you for stopping by.
Wednesday 21 August 2024.