Wednesday, don't cook and buy morning snacks such as wet cakes

in Wednesday Walklast year







Breakfast is something that every family does, but it also happens to our small family, but today we don't cook breakfast at home, we just want to buy snacks such as culinary wet cakes in the morning by chance. Today is Wednesday. How should I make a post in this large community? Here I say that we, in my opinion, are even people who always like culinary delights and this is one of the culinary delights that we bought today, namely moist cakes that have been ready to eat for us to eat straight away.This is one of the culinary centers in our area so it is almost damaged. We say that almost every morning, this lecture center is targeted by community members to buy wet cake culinary delights. Many of those who buy it are those with employee status and also those with civil servant status. civil and so on, they deliberately control the morning time so culinary is their target when they want to go to the office. Here are some pictures that I can share with friends as one of my posts today in this large community. The quality that tells about our activities on Wednesday.


an interesting variety of snacks

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Have a great day :)

This is one of the culinary centers in our area so it is almost damaged (?)

Well this is an interesting translation! :)

I happen to love language and have a keen interest in it. What language are you translating from, please? I think the translation software didn't understand an expression and translated it directly :D Love this.

Also - you should maybe reblog your own posts so that they also appear on your blog feed! And other people's posts that you like and comment on. I see you've written quite a few posts but your blog looks inactive because no re-blogs - empty page!

And happy #WednesdayWalk!