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RE: I Am Alive and So Are My Animal Family

I want to get a fish (or maybe 2) for my little tank. What would you recommend?


What size is your tank?

Small. Maybe 2 gallons.. My lovely algae eater lived there alone for 7 years, but she recently died.

2 gallons is considered too small for any fish per the recommendations I see, but shrimp could go in there. For bettas, the minimum recommended is 5 gallons, 10 is preferred (that's what I have), though there are some exceptions like some disabled bettas with bent spines, extra long fins, or seniors sometimes do better in a 3-ish gallon tank.
Pet stores still sell the little ones and they are labeled as FOR bettas, which kills me, but they don't care, they make a buck. Some people have their bettas in much bigger (20, even 40 gal community tanks) tanks, especially the ladies, who have shorter fins.
In a 10 you could do a school of some type of nano fish, like tetras. Even snails like mystery snails or nerite snails (Sanglainn is a nerite) get recommended 5 gallons minimum per snail, though perhaps the little guys like ramshorns might do ok in a two? I'm not sure of their minimum requirements.

Oh, good to know! The tank was a gift. Sounds best not to use it.

You could make a cool terrarium maybe!