Staying relevant in the world of Tech!!!

in Hive Learners3 months ago

Ever imagined technology and artificial intelligence taking over the world and leaving behind nothing? Well, I have had that thought severally. What if it affects my career, thereby leaving me jobless, and what use would my skill be at that moment? "This question I ask myself every day." But the good thing about some career choices is that they can't be automatically taken over by artificial intelligence. Now, ask me why, okay, you've asked, "Why?" So artificial intelligence is programmed to function in a certain way and doesn't think logically like humans (me, proving to secure my job in the world of AI) but then it's limited. The human logical thinking process isn't limited to a particular extent, we think far and extreme.

Currently, the particular advice I give out to those intending to go to a high institution is that they can actually study any course of their choice but then it should be related to the field of technology because we can't predict what will happen in the next ten to twenty in the world of technology, let's imagine technology takes over the world today, what would happen to those who aren't technologically inclined like me (joking).

Recently, I was in a conversation with my boss before the convo escalated to technology. He was like everyone who has a child should encourage their children to go into technology because the tech guys are rare in Nigeria, and also, the rate at which they are paid in Nigeria is very low, so most of them are relocating to other nations where their skill equivalent their pay.

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Here are some courses I feel are irrelevant: The first on my never-ending list would be "Library studies" like what are you studying in a library? Or why are you studying "Libray?" After becoming a graduate of library studies, where do you intend to work? Obviously, in a library, right? Now, do we even have good libraries in Nigeria? That's the first question that should come to mind. Like why?

The second would be "history" Back then in school I knew history students who would be bragging about themselves feeling like their course was the best course in the whole wide world "Well, to them, it might be" but unfortunately not to me, I don't think history is even worth studying as a course in the university because we can get any information on history at our fingertips. Whatever history I want to study or read, I can easily get it by asking AI or by browsing with my smartphone. Funny enough, even the history textbooks we buy at the University can be found online; it only takes you to click on that download button, and you are done.

Gone are the days when every course seemed relevant in our eyes but currently I don't think its every course that is worth studying in a high institution, my little cousin is at the university studying music, well, that's his choice and I'm not gonna criticize it in any way but then I just wasn't pleased with his choice "hope that's not criticism".

In conclusion, everyone should have an idea or get a soft skill in technology in order not to be left behind when technology and artificial intelligence take over the world. So we, on the other hand, can also stay relevant in such a world.

Thanks for reading


Hi, Tari. The truth is that technology will keep advancing, rendering many courses and jobs irrelevant. What we just need to do is go with the flow. If you think your job will become irrelevant, learn a digital skill or go into something better. That’s a good alternative.

Yeah!! With the way the world is evolving, having an alternative is the best approach.

A lot of people choose any courses of their choices in the past before the advancement in technology to this point , but nowadays, we must be intentional... going with today's flow is's not just enough to be in the university but to pick a course that would make one stay relevant with the rapid growth of tech

Going with today's flow is very important so we won't be left behind..

Thank you mama

Tech is growing so fast that it will render most people jobless in years to come and that's just the truth. One has to choose a good course that even with how fast technology is growing, it will still be relevant in years to come

Yeah!! I agree with you dear. That's why everyone should be tech inclined.