Not to be endured.

in Hive Learners3 months ago

They say love is a beautiful thing, but then this same thing can become"ugly" with time. People don't just make up their minds to end up with a toxic person and build a relationship with one; I feel like it's something that happens with time; the person they are so in love with suddenly changes to an entirely different person.

When this happens they would develop a positive feeling that the person can change back to their loving nature, hoping for the best isn't a bad thing though "everyone hopes for the best" but when the best isn't forthcoming and the toxicity keeps increasing everyday making you uncomfortable in that relationship, where your voice isn't heard any more.

I had this friend who has been in a toxic relationship for as long as I can remember, everyone around her was telling her to leave the relationship but the only excuse she could come up with was "he wasn't like this when we started" she would go further "everything was good for many months" but the truth remains that "he will be described the way he is now".

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People who are in a toxic relationship are scared of leaving reasons best known to them; the particular one my friend gives is, "What if I meet someone worse than him?" You say what? That's known as "the devil you know is better than the angel you don't know" Then I would rephrase the statement and be like "What if you meet someone way better than him" People tend to always dwell on the negative aspect of things, they know the coin has two sides but then they would choose to focus their attention on one side alone "which is bad".

Another reason why people stay in a toxic relationship is the fear of being lonely, so they try to endure the behavior of their partners and the thoughts of what the outside world will say. In this world we are living in, trying to navigate through life, "whatever you do, people must talk." That is world people for you. Even if you walk out of such a relationship, they will be like, "So she can't endure in her relationship?" Then, when you stay and something bad happens to you, these same people will come and be like, "Why didn't she walk out?".

I think the biggest reason of all is the belief that they can be able to change the other person "Yeah" people decide to change that is why they said "change starts from within" You can't change someone who isn't ready to change, you don't endure in such relationship trying to change the person in question.

Walking out of a relationship isn't easy, and you know what the worst thing is "enduring a toxic relationship." It kills the mind and plays with one's self-esteem, which isn't a good thing.

In conclusion: Everyone deserves love and love isn't meant to be toxic in any way. Love is meant to be enjoyed and not endured with tears. When your partner is being toxic and you've tried every possible means to endure thinking the person will change and the person isn't changing rather it's getting worse then move on, there is always someone better out there, and the chances of meeting someone better equals the chances of meeting someone worse, so don't dwell on the negative but embrace the positive aspect of life.

Thanks for reading 🧡


People who are in a toxic relationship are scared of leaving reasons best known to them; the particular one my friend gives is, "What if I meet someone worse than him?" You say what? That's known as "the devil you know is better than the angel you don't know" Then I would rephrase the statement and be like "What if you meet someone way better than him"

I said this in my blog when writing on this topic. The fear of meeting someone worse. What do you mean someone worse? You have seen worse already. The best you can do is walk out of the relationship and avoid traits like that in the next relationship, build boundaries, and let everyone know what they are doing. Like you said, people don't just walk into a toxic relationship; they weren't like that before until they ate the forbidden fruit.

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I swear, like the worst is right in front of them, but they won't accept it. Rather, it's complain, they will complain. There are good people out there who love genuinely.

Very true
Thanks for writing this perfection

Even when a person was not like that when you first started, you should find your way out the moment they change and you don't see them making any amends.

Yeah you are very correct, but then some people won't leave though

I think people that give such excuses that he will change are people that lack love from where they're coming from because if you're coming from a place of love you can't stay in a place that is toxic

Yeah, I agree with you on this. Hoping for someone to change is a big flex, though.

 2 months ago Reveal Comment
 2 months ago Reveal Comment