My ideal perfect day

in Hive Learners9 months ago

Everyone has different perspectives when it comes to what their perfect day entails, our perfect day comprises different things which differ according to our tastes and interests.

To me, a perfect day involves a good meal (I don't know why this comes first) I know you might be thinking I'm a foodie but then you won't believe me even if I say it's my keyboard that typed it without my consent.

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My perfect day is a day I get to spend reflecting on myself and having meaningful conversations with loved ones, it is a day to reminisce on my achievements, and then point out areas I need to improve, luckily I don't get to go to work.

I would wake up after having a good nice sleep the previous night then waking up to the sound of my alarm "grumbling" though excited that I have the day to myself, early hours of the morning, I'm gonna take a nice walk around my street with my AirPods on to listen to my favorite songs.

As I walk down the street feeling the gentle breeze as it blows, connecting with nature, and reflecting on the positive aspects of my life. After a few walks, I'm gonna head back home to refresh and prepare a nutritious breakfast cause they say "Always start your day with amazing meals" because it does a thing to our souls" (don't ask me what it does?).

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As the day progresses there is always a need for exploration of new places, gaining experience, and meeting people, there is a well-known spot within my City, I think that is gonna be my site for tourism, that spot comprises a lot of activities to engage in, it has a very big environment for sightseeing and taking of nice pictures for the sake of keeping memories alive. Aside from the environment, it has nice restaurants where they prepare local and intercontinental dishes, I'm gonna try all the dishes I haven't tried before (whether my stomach likes it or not).

I'm going to partake in different activities like playing games, I heard the spot even has a lake so I think I'm going to use that opportunity to explore my fishing skills if I have any which I believe I do, that is gonna bring a sense of fulfillment to my perfect day.

Another significant item on my list would be to create time and connect with my family, though they aren't present with me at the moment, I'm gonna have a video call with them and make that moment feel like we are present with each other even while apart. There is this immense joy that comes whenever I spend time with my family, I feel a sense of belonging or should I say they are my safe space.

What's a perfect day without engaging in my hobbies which include reading and solving accounting-related problems, now that's a fulfilled perfect day. Lastly, I'm gonna end the day with "Netflix and chill" with popcorn and a chilled juice by the side, now that sounds like the very perfect day.

Thanks for reading🌹


Yes, you are a foodie🤣🤣🤣
What a perfect day for you dear @young-tari

I'm not a foodie ooo🤣🤣🤣
Thank you so much for stopping by my post!!!


What a perfect day for you ❤️. I wish one could have a day off to do these things😩

Abi yooo, everyday we work to the point we even forget about ourselves and the things we genuinely need.


Your vision of Perfectly is very good and the best thing I liked about it is that you took out time for your family too and also made time for video calling with your distant family members, which shows that you love your very much to your loved ones a lot and this is very important in today's times because in our busy lives we don't get a chance to talk to our own family members, so it is very important that we stay connected with our family members and relatives.

Yeah, it is very important to stay very connected to family cause after everything we will still fall back on them.

Thanks for stopping by🥰

What else can a women do if not eat.😂 it’s a woman who has eaten that would have the energy to explore. Enjoy your food sha.

You delulu is deluluing.😂😂 a perfect day for some of us is finally finding the other leg of our shoe.😂😂🌚

And a woman who has not eaten won't have the energy to explore you are on point!!🤣🤣🤣 I agree with you on this.

Haha the other leg of shoe oh my stomach 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

In all you do, eat first.

No joke.😂

Good meals is that thing that gladden once heart, that's right, is nice to start the day with a good meal and I will say a video call, I enjoy it a lot with my friends 🥰

You can never go wrong with a good meal,
I enjoyed video calling my friends as well, it creates this level of togetherness among us!!!

Yes, that's true 🥰🙏

Loved ones have an impact on our lives, having someone to share your moment with is such a blessing.

Yeah it is really a blessing we can't take for granted!!!

Thanks for stopping by🥰🥰

I don't blame you for thinking that a perfect day involves a good meal! I totally agree with that hahaha

Good meals are everything, it gladden the heart, and when the heart is happy every other thing falls into place.

A perfect day where you can enjoy the company of your loved ones who are far away, explore new places and connect with myself through physical activity and introspection. With the combination of walking, discovery and sharing special moments it is a unique experience that you would remember with affection.

What a perfect day for you.
