Finding your niche and staying on it!

in Hive Learners3 months ago

The moment I saw this topic, I couldn't resist but laugh my lungs out for a while before sharing my thoughts on it. When you talk about a song with unethical lyrics, just call the name of my nation and give us the award already; some of those artists need to do better: "I'm not gonna mention names though."

Growing up "to stay informed" I'm not an artist or a songwriter but what I do remember is the fact that whenever I was about to eat my favorite meal in the house, I would notice different lines of songs would drop in my head and when I'm about to voice it out and show my siblings how talented the person living with them is, I would hear "don't start" from a distance, I would wander around to see where it was coming, lo and behold its my mum shouting from a distance to distract me from dropping those lines popping in my head.

And sometimes when I try to write those lyrics down, I find out "none of them makes sense" and not even a proper sentence can be formed from it, now I'm not saying "I'm not good at getting lyrics" what I'm saying is that "I have the potential of getting good lyrics out of my head" and that can only happen when you prepare my favorite meal. That is to say, "I'm not an expensive songwriter." Yay, I just called myself that.

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Music is life, it heals the soul often from whatever we are going through at some point in our lives "Yeah! I'm a living testimony of that" but then not all songs can do that, it depends on the mood you are in at that moment, and you just find the perfect genre of song that suits that mood and you are good to go "just like that".

Often I would hear my uncle comparing this current songs to those of the former, he would say like "Back then in the 90s, we'd listen to songs that contain a lot of meaning, songs that when you listen to them, you would feel a certain level of inspiration to face life but currently, the kind of songs we listen has no meaning at all" I'm not gonna doubt that because this 21st-century artist they are after their fame and money, aside from that nothing more, they don't care about the song they put out there and we the listeners are even encouraging them the more by listening and overhyping these songs.

Every artist feels they are songwriters, but the truth remains that not all of them can be good at songwriting, and that's the major reason we have professional songwriters.

With the way the music industry is growing rapidly in my part of the world, the only thing that could make artist put some effort into their lyrics is to give them negative feedback whenever they release a song, I feel like if they notice the negative feedbacks about the lyrics of their songs thereby affecting their views and rates, It is likely to ring a bell in their hears.

My final note: we don't have the veto power to make artists improve on the lyrics of their songs because every artist has a genre they belong to, and we, the listeners, have the same as well. It's left for everyone to find their niche in songs and stay on it.
"It's a win-win".

Thanks for reading 🧡


So your lyrics is belly country have lots of crazy songs that a times one gets to wonder what all these are for

We just have to upgrade in quality and be sure that we are bringing things that will build the nation at last.

Yayy you said belly what 😃 😃 😃 I won't take that personal though.

Yeah, our artists they have to upgrade because these their pattern of songs aren't meaningful at all.

Thanks for stopping by dear