It is always said that if you give so many positive thoughts to an idea, it will eventually turn to an actualization but this doesn't come from thin air. A lot of physical efforts also has to be in place. Most people give up at the slightest failure but what they do not know is that the feeling of achieving that idea is enough to make you forget all the stress and difficulties you experienced while aiming for success.
There is one statement that my friends and I always tell ourselves while aiming that I will love to share it with you all it goes thus "nah who give up fuck up" meaning it is someone that gives up that is the real failure. Personally, I have a lot of success stories to share with the community and hive at large. Some people tat know me on a personal level know 1 or 2 but there are some that are still a work in progress like building a food chain business. For those that don't have an idea, let me recap.
4 years ago, I had an idea of starting a fast food spot in a town and since I didn't have cash to start up, I shared the idea with some people and the agreed to partner with me. After 2 months, these guys started pressuring me for returns and everyone knows that businesses doesn't yield returns that fast. Well to cut the story short, after like 4 months, they said that they weren't interested again and they pulled out resulting in selling off all that was bought. I grew past that and continued ti save every penny I had and 3 year later, I set up my business with no pressure from anyone. That feeling superceeded every hardship I went through. From drinking garri just to meet up with the quota of buying something every month for the business.
During the planning process, I had a lot of negative talks and advice the one that weighed on me big time was the getting of a space. So I didn't want to rent a shop that was owned by someone but wanted a sure that was built to my taste. So, I constructed a container but te space to place it was the issue. I toured around the town and if I see an empty space, I ask those around the area if it was vacant saying that I am willing to pay for the space all said NO probably because I wasn't a native of the town, who knows. This dragged for almost 4 months and my container was already collect rust and dust (thank God I hadn't painted it then).
At this moment, all hopes seemed lost but remember I had already started buying things in bits, these were what I look at whenever I feeling discourage because trust me, the discouragement will come either from within or external. Mind you, I did my SWOT analysis before deciding on a land to settle for. When I saw that I had little motivation left, I had to contact some more agents in helping me search (always ask for help) and within 1 week, I was called that there was a land.
We went to have a look and again, I made my survey of the area and to check outthe competition which was just one and she wasn't selling what I intend to. The best part about the space was that it is positioned between 2 higher institutions.
The journey wasn't easy and is till not easy. I come up with fresh strategies every week just to drive sales to retain my customers. I have been robbed there, I have experienced some natural challenges like when the wind blew off my structure and Nigeria keeps happening but I always tell myself that if I could do it till now, I will still continue. Now I have a staff that pay more than any other business in the area (she was shocked when I told her the price I was willing to pay for just 5 hours each day).
One thing I always tell myself is that "IF I CAN DREAM IT, I CAN ACHIEVE IT. THE ONLY PERSON THAT CAN STOP ME IS ME".
So guys, stop limiting yourself. Success doesn't come easily.