Weakness are your unique challenges or the things you know you struggle with. One thing about it is that you as an individual knows that you have it but in one way or the very other you might be trying to avoid it or overcome it but you keep seeing yourself doing it. They are challenging indeed as you are really trying your possible best to overcome it and you know you are doing it.
In life we should always know our strength and weaknesses in life.As we have both we should try to work on both as in the positive way and try to improve on both our strength and weaknesses and keep up with the good work of trying tobbe more good and avoid the negative ones in Life.
There was a time i had a great issue in school i kept praying and hoping for the very best. It would really be much on me to almost get me teary but i kept hoping for the very Best in my academics. I kept trusting in God the author and finisher of my faith. One Faithful day behold the change of the whole situation and it was resolved. As it was ended i was giving the testimony to my roommate who was suprise and in her words sommy how could you pass through this kind of thing and didn't talk to ger we sre sisters and should always share our burdens and troubles in certain situations with one another.
But to me it was not coming from a bad angle of not telling ger but really didn't want to be talking and probably maybe disturbing her but to her i could have talked at least.
One thing is that this is who i am and that is me probably. Not as if i don't like sharing as they said that a problem shared is half solved but me as an individual would rather remain to stay calm while hoping for the Best 🙏. I would want or really feel to share with others but always find myself not talking anything about it. It may seems being too secretive but am a bit open to people and really relate with others around me but for me to share that thing that is my burden is always a big deal.
Am really favoured with amazing people around me who knows me as a happy soul and know each time my countenance changes to know the issue and really help me genuinely in the way in which they can.
I am trying also to get over it by being open to people in time of difficulty and know that they are more like family members and can help in situations. Am trying to grow my mind to know and understand that your loved ones can really share in your pain and offer a helping hands, a shoulder to lean on to cry on and encouragement to us.I hope my measures continue and i grow into a better person.
It really a Weakness to overcome and i hope i continue to in Life.
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