Today's topic, seems very important to me. Because today we are discussing two sectors that are deeply connected to our social and personal lives. We receive government services and private services for various needs. To be honest, while government services have some advantages, they also have some disadvantages. Similarly, some advantages and disadvantages can be observed for private services.
I will discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of government service from my perspective. Similarly, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of private services.
Government services:
The advantage of government services is that various types of services are available at a lower cost and in some cases, free of charge. Free treatment and medicine are provided in government hospitals in our country. Moreover, people receive services from various government institutions. However, one thing here is that since the population of Bangladesh is very large and most people are interested in availing government services, there is a slight delay in getting benefits from various government institutions. Moreover, due to the influx of additional service seekers in government institutions, serious problems sometimes arise in accessing services.
Moreover, those who work in government jobs think that their jobs are just that and there is no possibility of losing their jobs for any reason. That is precisely why many times government officials and employees express reluctance to provide their best service. In some cases, many private organizations entice the public to accept government services by tempting these government officials and employees in various ways to sustain their businesses.
When people face various problems while receiving government services, they are forced to spend extra money and receive private services. This situation is prevalent everywhere in our country, so the people of our country are very interested in doing government jobs and some people become quite wealthy through this job.
Private services:
Private institutions in our country have been providing excellent and up-to-date services. To be honest, when patients are admitted to various private hospitals, it is seen that they try their best to cure the patient. Moreover, there is a greater chance of getting good service from various private institutions.
However, if you want to use private services, you will have to pay a very high price. Suppose you are interested in receiving medical care at a private institution. You might be able to get good treatment there very quickly, but where you would get free services at a government hospital, you have to pay a fairly large amount of money at this private hospital to get services. Moreover, most of the private hospitals in our country have become business-oriented. They are only concerned with how they can get more money from a customer. Therefore, a low-income person cannot afford such private and advanced treatments. To be honest, countless such patients die every year simply due to the lack of advanced medical care, but private institutions have no problem with that.
Therefore, considering all aspects, I think our government should improve the quality of government service institutions and bring bad and greedy officials and employees to justice through fair investigations. And private institutions should be forced to conduct their business by creating a fair policy so that middle-class and lower-class people can also receive medical care and other services at their own expense.
I am Shopnil Hasan, From Bangladesh. I am Mechanical Engineer. I work with machines as a profession and blogging is my passion. My hobbies are gardening and traveling to new places. I am nature lover. Love and Simplicity is my power ☘️