Discipline to me is a way of training oneself or others to follow set down rules or regulations. So, going by this simple definition, discipline is not something to be joked with most especially when it comes to the upbringing of the younger ones as they are known to be the leaders of tomorrow.
Now, building a strong future foundation depends on the degree of discipline being put in place in the upbringing of the said leaders of tomorrow. One thing I want us all to know is that, where we find ourselves today was as a result of the kind of discipline being accustomed on us when we were young.
Now, going by the prompt's topic, which is about the best way to discipline a child just to avoid the repetition of what he or she has done, seriously, this is a very great topic, though, I'm not a parent yet, but right from the experiences I have gathered from my parents and those that are around me, I will like to say parenting is not as simple as ABC, but notwithstanding, one can still get it right when the right discipline measure is in place.
So, talking about these measures, I will like to say there's different measures I have so far learnt from my parents and like I said earlier, from those people that are also into parenting. So, these measures, I will group into two which are discipline by advice and discipline by punishment.
To start with, I will begin my discussion on the topic with that of discipline by punishment. As we all know that a child's upbringing is arduous due to the state of the child's understanding most especially at the early stage of the child's life, one important thing to help the child out is discipline. Discipline is a very important aspect of human life and when bringing up a child, the form of discipline that can be used as the most suitable one is that of punishment.
Though so many people think punishment is all about beating or maiming. But when you talk of punishment, it's actually beyond these two. Punishment might be about giving a child an assignment to do, telling him or her to kneel down or even delaying him or her of what you've promised to get or buy for him or her and other forms of soft punishment.
So, exercising all these forms of soft punishment, and not capital punishment on a child goes a long way in shaping the life of such a child and mind you, whenever we discipline them with such punishment, we must as well make them know the reason for the punishments and what they stand to gain from not going err again.
This particular form of disciplinary measure was used by my parents when I was young. Though, my parent also used some form of capital punishment on me, but in most cases, I was mostly punished with the use of being given an additional assignment to be done at home, most especially, on house chores and when giving this, I used to feel somehow and going back to what I have done to warrant this punishment would always be difficult for me on so many occasions. My parents tried it and it really worked out well for me and my younger brother and even my parents.
Now to the second form of discipline as I have stated in one of the paragraphs above which is advice is also of great importance in shaping the life of a child or our children. One thing I want us to know is that not every child will yield to being punished. Atimes, parents can instill discipline in their ward's life through their words of advice.
Though there's time and season for everything on the planet earth as said by the holy scripture. Now, with this popular scriptural saying, I would like to say, a child is better punished so as to instill discipline while still very young, but when a child has grown to some certain age, most especially of a high school age, such a child doesn't necessarily need to be punished to be disciplined. The only thing or let me say the only and best way to instill discipline in such a child is through the words of advice, let them see reasons to stop whatever behavior they are engaged in and to what behavior to embrace should also be told to them. This is because they are already approaching their prime age and what they really need at that stage of their life is advice that would guide their steps to becoming great in their life.
Not only these two, there's other means through which we can instill discipline in our children's lives. Venting out our anger immediately when the deed is done by them is a very good way of instilling discipline into them and this is because it would have sent the necessary waves of discipline into their heart. I could remember when my dad would pour out his mind on what I have done wrong in the past, when he did that, I already know there's a problem and to renege from such an act would be faster than expected. That's discipline at its peak.
Not only that, for us to also instill discipline in our children, we must also be disciplined. It's when we ourselves are disciplined that we can instill discipline into the lives of our children. It would be difficult for an undisciplined person to instill discipline in his or her children. Come to think of it, a woman who poknose would not be able to correct or discipline her ward from doing the same. Until such a woman discipline herself, that's when she would be able to discipline her ward. Self discipline is a good method of discipline for our ward.
Chastising them when they go wrong is another method, but this should be done with caution so as not to push them to the outside world. Also, appreciating them when they yield to correction is another way of instilling discipline into them as this would encourage them to do more.
Lastly, we should all know that parenting is a task that must be well taken and in taking it, we must exercise caution and correct our children in love, not only this, instilling discipline into them is of paramount importance and failure to do this, might affect us too as we are also part of what happens to them.
This is my entry to the week 158, Edition 01 of the weekly Featured contest in the Hive Learners community.
Thanks for reading.
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