On My Way To Mixing Love With Emotions.

in Hive Learnerslast year

One of the things I have always prayed for is to get married to someone who is doing the same job as me or our jobs or career are alike. This is because such a person will be able to learn from me and I can learn from him too. We will be able to support each other and pay less service. Just imagine that my husband is an artiste and I’m an artiste too and then I’d be having a concert very soon but I gotta invite artistes and pay them, it will be nice for my husband to fill up that space since he can do it and he is even in the best position to do that for me.
Aside from that, there are other benefits attached with having someone who does the same job as you but that’s a talk for another day.


Have I ever experienced mixing business with love?

This is not something I have experienced before but with the way things are going, it is likely for this to happen to me very soon. I’d be having a supermarket business with my sister in a week from now and I never can tell how it will be like. I don’t know if I’d end up being the greedy one or she. I don’t even know if this will cause a rift between the both of us.
I’m not being pessimistic but I’m just thinking of the things that are likely to happen because I’ve seen cases like that very well. I just hope it goes well.

Secondly, I am trying to penetrate the entertainment industry fully and my boyfriend is in that lane too so he will be able to help me out in so many ways and even put me through a lot of things that I need to know. In this way, I’m sure we all know that we have already mixed love with business.


Would I like to experience such a thing?

Well, whether I like it or not, this is something that I’m certain of happening to me very soon. Aside from that, I’d love if it happens to me. Doing something out of love is really beautiful and some people even do it out of their convenience as long as they can make their partner happy so I’d love to experience that but it has its negative effects too.

What if the person stops loving me?

This is possible and makes me scared all the time. Imagine mixing emotions with business but my man no longer loves me, there is no doubt that I won’t benefit anything from him again and this will even be difficult for some people who rely on others and can’t do things for themselves or on their own.


Well, mixing love with business is cool and sweet but we should always be able to do things even without the help of the other party. Nothing lasts forever and this does not mean that you and the person won’t be in good terms but the opportunity could stop due to death, relocation and so much more so the best thing is to always stand on our feet.


We ask ourselves many questions about our partner commitments in the relationship
Dialog is in my opinion the key to understand each other.
Thank you for sharing

That’s true
We have to sit and talk about things and that’s the best way to understand a other clearly

I think you and your sis will be fine, as long as one of you is gentle and ready to let go, also proper planning of how to share the loot will make it work.

You’re right jare
As long as it is my sis, the highest thing is to have issues and our parents will resolve it

 last year Reveal Comment

Why do you say so?

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