I Don’t Ever Want To Be A Politician.

in Hive Learnerslast year

Politics are generally known as set of activities that goes on in a group, community, company or country which is basically on how to make decisions and how to direct the people of that particular place.
I am sure that everyone of us here have involved ourselves in politics even though it is once in our lives since it has to do with leading people and making decisions and it doesn’t have to do with the government of a place alone.


Have I ever involved in politics?

I have involved in politics so many times starting from when we used to vote our prefects in secondary school and so many more. I also involved in politics when I became a president of a particular group in my university days which lasted a year. We voted and I emerged the winner and that is a way to show that politics took place since we had a leader which was me.


Politics does not stop there and if we decide to ask the majority of us, we mostly talk about the governmental aspects of politics. Well, I can slightly say I have engaged in it once and that was when I voted my Uncle in for a particular post in Oyo State and it’s so bad that I can’t remember the post he went for. Oh yeah, he won the election and that election happened close to a year ago.
As long as it involved me making a decision about the particular governor or president I want, it means I still engaged myself in politics.

Would I like to pursue a career as a politician?

Even if I have the opportunity to become a politician, I still won’t become one. It is not something I would love to become. I believe there are so mang things and even better things we can become if we don’t become politicians and another thing is that politics is mostly corrupt and full of lies. I woukd not want to be a part of that.
Also, politics involves leading the people. It does nog mean that I’m not a good leader bug I don’t just think I’m interested in directing people or trying to tell them the things to do and what not to do. I don’t want to decide for people.

What ills of politics would I lie to change?

Firstly, I want to change the fact that people say all politicians are liars. I’m sure there will be a few of them who are not liars so I want to change that concept. It may be hard but if I had my way, I’m surely going to chaneg that narrative.


Also, I want to change the aspect of corruption. We’ve got too many corrupt leaders who leave people to suffer since they are not doing what they are supposed to do. If I had the opportunity, the best thing to do to them is fire them and replace them with people who can do the righg thjng. That’s just the best way.

Anyway, I’m not interested in politics even though I know how well people make money from it.


Politics is for the strong and those prepared to fight dirty because a lot of bad politicians always find ways to silence the good ones, you have to be rugged as well to deal with those bad politicians. I also wouldn't get myself involved in Nigeria politics, it's just too dangerous

Yes ooh and with the way I’m looking at myself, I’d be a good politician so make them no go kill me😂

We all know that politics is dirty, I understand that you need to run for your life because politics nowadays is do or die and no one is willing to die

Yes ooh
We all know how it can be in the world so I’m not interested in that

I would not want to be and hold political office in my country either, here that subject is very controversial.

Yes ooh
It can be very stressful and risky so I’m not interested