No matter how poor someone is on earth, the person will still pray for long life. Even though that person does not have the money that can feed him on the next day, he’d still pray to live long because when there is life, there is hope. Apart from praying to live long, one important thing we should always do is take good care of ourselves. We need to be observant of our health, the things our body reacts to and so much more.
If you don’t have enough money for the foreign method, you may go for the traditional method. I’m sure so many Nigerians are familiar with that and it is very good but depends on the traditional doctor.
Sometime ago, when I was in high school, I was having stomach ache or a sharp pain below my stomach. I used the general medicine we use for stomach ache here in Nigeria but there were no changes.
I waited till the third day and when I realized that there were no changes, I went to the hospital and my family doctor found out that I was having appendicitis. Immediately, I was admitted in the hospital and we did the surgery the next day.
My dad insured my health already so the money was not the problem. Within a week, I was feeling good aside from the pains that comes from the surgery spot or wound. For those who don’t know, appendicitis is a condition in which the appendix gets inflammed. I’m glad I attended to it on time because it could burst in my stomach and lead to something else. It may even lead to death.
The lesson I want to bring out from this should also serve as a health tip for those who it may be useful to. One important health tip we all should know is that we don’t have to wait till we are about to die before going to the hospital to know what is wrong with us.
The earlier the better so you need to know what is wrong with you on time. I understand that some people may not have enough money to to the hospital but diagnosing what is wrong with you is really important so you can at least have a form of first aid.
Secondly, self medication is bad. Well, it is normal for us to take paracetamol when we’re having a headache but if the headache persists, you should go to the hospital. This is where so many people make mistakes. When the pain persists, instead of them to go to the hospital, they’d continue to hold the pain which may lead to death. Don’t wait till the pain is extreme before you go to the hospital. Go on time so you can know what is wrong with your body system.
There are so many health tips you can get bit I think these two are important because there is no way you will be able to treat or take care of what is wrong with you.
Remember that health is wealth and anyone who wants to live long must be health wise.